Creating your first Proxima Application

  • Create your first Proxima App

    Now that you have Proxima installed and active, the first step to begin using Proxima is to create an Application.

    Proxima allows you to create as many different applications as you would like - you could have one app for a mobile game you have created, another app for a tablet application you have released, and another to handle user accounts and authentication for a group of websites you have administer. You can use the same Proxima installation for several different uses at the same time - Proxima will keep things organized and separated.
  • Enter the name of the application you would like to create in the "App Name" field and press "Create New App"
  • Once you have created your first application, you will see your new applications Client Key and Master Key values.

    Client Key - the Client Key is the unique application "key" that you will use in client requests so Proxima can identify which application the request is being made for.

    Master Key - the "Master Key" can be thought of similar to "root" access on a server - it bypasses object permission checks.
  • Keep your Master Key secret! It should never be used in a client that you distribute, and only by clients you trust!
  • Now that your first Application has been created, Proxima is ready to receive requests from clients.
