Forum Activity for @white-agency

White Agency
02/09/18 08:29:18AM
204 posts

Sitebuilder Widget problem and query

Using Jamroom

Many Thanks Michael and Brian :)

I've now got something up and running.

Just need to get it styled up better but it will have to wait until I'm back off holiday.


White Agency
02/07/18 02:20:50AM
204 posts

Sitebuilder Widget problem and query

Using Jamroom

I've set up a page with an 'Item List' widget as per the first image.

In the first search condition you can see I've got 'No Action Required' in the last field and that appears in the template code at the bottom.

When the widget is saved and then re-opened, the search condition then only contains 'No' as does the template code at the bottom.

I've checked the database and it is saved correctly and the page displays the correct results from the search so it's just a rendering issue when editing the widget. Something to do with spaces I believe.

Whilst I can the widget to display the results I need, it would be really good if the widget could pick up the search words from a query string in the url. I've tried `$_post['solution']` which I've used elsewhere in other templates but it doesn't work when used in the widget.

Any ideas on how to get round this?



2-Widget.png 2-Widget.png - 170KB

updated by @white-agency: 05/18/18 10:38:27PM
White Agency
01/31/18 04:04:35AM
204 posts

Custom search

Using Jamroom

A bit of background to my question !

We currently use the 'Solution Support' in the forum as a way for the site admins to mark/identify topics that require attention. Topics are marked for example 'No Action', 'Completed', 'Monitoring', Referred technical' etc,etc.

The templates have been modded so that ONLY the Admins can use and view the 'Solution Support'.

We've been asked if we can provide a filter for the Admins so that they filter the forum topics by a selected 'Solution Support'. ie. just show all the topics that are 'Referred technical'.

I've looked at using the jrSearch_module_form in the jrForum_item_Index.tpl.

Inserted the following into the template :- {jrSearch_module_form module="jrForum" fields="forum_solution"}, but when it's used it goes to a 'Page not found' !

Are we doing this correctly or do we need at look at writing our own module to accomplish this?


updated by @white-agency: 05/02/18 07:37:22AM
White Agency
09/19/17 08:50:59AM
204 posts

Jamroom 6.1 has been released!


Been extremely busy over the past 3 months and so have missed putting the updates on as they came out like I usually do.

Had a very long list to work through and I didn't see this post until uploaded videos stopped playing and I came looking !!

Got everything working but had to update the video item detail template as we have our own version. Once I'd done that everything was working again :)
White Agency
07/06/17 04:42:01AM
204 posts

Kickbox email Validation

Using Jamroom

Had a chance to have another look at this.

The 'Account Check' only works if the 'Daily Check' is also ticked off.
We've never used the 'Daily Check' feature in the past.

So I've currently got the 'Daily Check' set to '2' to get it working !

White Agency
06/13/17 01:47:07AM
204 posts

Kickbox email Validation

Using Jamroom

We've still got the 100 free a day account.

We have another none Jamroom site using the same Kickbox account and that is still working.

Attached is a graph from Kick from the past year showing usage across the two sites.

Swift Talk is the JR site. The big drop on the MAC graph is where we implemented further anti-spam measures but it is still working.

As I've mentioned the test tool is working OK.
kickbox-graph.jpg kickbox-graph.jpg - 124KB
White Agency
06/08/17 04:06:57AM
204 posts

Kickbox email Validation

Using Jamroom

API Key is correct as when using the test tool in the module it works and is recorded at Kickbox though nothing is recorded in the activity log on JR.

I get the same results on our Live and Test servers (physically different boxes at separate hosts).


White Agency
06/08/17 02:21:57AM
204 posts

Kickbox email Validation

Using Jamroom

We've noticed that email addresses are no longer being validated with Kickbox when new accounts are created or when an existing user updates their email address.

If you test an email address in the ACP then that DOES get verified at Kickbox.

Nothing is appearing in the Activity logs as well.

Looking at the graphs in Kickbox it stopped working in January this year !!

Any ideas?



updated by @white-agency: 10/05/17 09:05:45PM
White Agency
03/07/17 08:11:24AM
204 posts

Database table type

Installation and Configuration

Thanks for the reply Brian :)
White Agency
03/06/17 03:52:21AM
204 posts

Database table type

Installation and Configuration

The DB for our Jamroom site sits on a dedicated SQL server along with a bunch of other DB's for the other apps we run.

All of our own DB's have a database type of InnoDB whereas JR has a mixture of InnoDB and MyISAM.

We take snapshot images as one of the methods of backing up we employ, but the people we host with have said that the only *guaranteed* snapshot safe type is InnoDB. Also having a mixture of table types uses more ram overall than if they were all InnoDB and this is pushing the ram used to the limit.

Is it possible to change all the table types to InnoDB, to save us having to up the ram on the server or put the JR DB on its own server?


updated by @white-agency: 06/05/17 11:51:27PM