Forum Activity for @the-patria-company

02/26/20 11:31:40AM
349 posts

Location of Private Profile Code

Design and Skin Customization

Hey @nate, in the FollowMe skin you made a simple and effective "This Profile is Private..." splash page, but I can not find it nor the code that controls it. Could you lead me in the right direction, please? I want to set the same thing up, on my E2 cloned skin. THANKS!!
Screenshot 2020-02-26 13.30.35.png Screenshot 2020-02-26 13.30.35.png - 201KB

updated by @the-patria-company: 06/24/20 11:01:17AM
02/03/20 08:28:06AM
349 posts

Editor Error in Custom Module

Jamroom Developers

Is there a _feature or something I need to load in the include.php for the editor to work correctly?
02/02/20 10:23:09AM
349 posts

Editor Error in Custom Module

Jamroom Developers

I am using a cloned version of jrTracker. We need the description to use the full editor not just a textarea, but the editor continues to strip all the formatting.

The original description code, in the index.php, looked like this for both the _create and _update functions:
    // Text
    $_tmp = array(
        'name'     => 'project_text',
        'label'    => 4,
        'help'     => 5,
        'type'     => 'textarea',
        'validate' => false,
        'required' => true
    // See if we are allowing BBCode
    if (strpos($_user['quota_jrCore_active_formatters'], 'format_string_bbcode')) {
        $_tmp['sublabel'] = 48;

I changed the code to support the editor in both areas, as follows:

    // Text
    $_tmp = array(
        'name'     => 'project_text',
        'label'    => 4,
        'help'     => 5,
        'type'     => 'editor',
        'validate' => 'allowed_html',
        'required' => true

Any thoughts as to why the editor is still stripping the formatting?
updated by @the-patria-company: 06/28/20 10:12:58AM
06/14/19 06:52:18AM
349 posts

jrBlog Module Clone

Jamroom Developers

Thanks Paul! @paul

That was certainly strange. I will keep track to see if anything specific causes the issue again.
06/13/19 07:46:27PM
349 posts

jrBlog Module Clone

Jamroom Developers

I have a very strange situation, in a module clone of the latest jrBlog v.1.1.18

When I click on a category link the item_list.tpl displays the Profile's Timeline while showing the correct cloned module's url... #confused

Plus, the jrCore_list is not displaying any data.

#1. Here is the item_index.tpl showing that I have one item in the first category and the url to the category is correct, but the summary of the posted item is not being displayed, because there is some disconnect with the jrCore_list. I have rechecked the code several times and I have cloned these in the past without any problems, but this one is acting funny.

#2. When you click on the category the url is correct but the page displays the timeline. It is acting like it wants to display the timeline action for the posted item rather than the category of the posted item.

#3. Here you can see the unformatted version of the first posting showing all the data is being stored and displayed correctly.

I am sure these are related and a minor fix since I have not changed the code outside of the normal cloning process.

Thanks in advance for any help!
updated by @the-patria-company: 09/12/19 10:38:13PM
03/24/19 07:18:44PM
349 posts

Save & Return Button


Sounds Good! Thanks!!
03/24/19 10:09:19AM
349 posts

Save & Return Button


I am receiving some feedback from some users that it would be nice to have another button (like is used on LinkedIn) in the Account Settings area for each profile form page.

[Save Changes] [Save & Return] [Cancel]

Save Changes = save and stay on the current form page
Save & Return = save and return to the profile page
Cancel = return to the profile page
updated by @the-patria-company: 06/23/19 03:16:40PM
03/18/19 08:59:01AM
349 posts

How to Make a Module's Meta Data Available to a Template

Jamroom Developers

Thank you!! I got it working :) That is going to make my logic so much more simplified. Thanks again!!
03/17/19 03:36:59PM
349 posts

How to Make a Module's Meta Data Available to a Template

Jamroom Developers

I need to write some logic that requires a piece of data from my custom module's meta data:

As an example let's use the jrBlog_meta and add a piece of data to the array called 'ampify'
function jrBlog_meta(){
    $_tmp = array(
        'name'        => 'Blog',
        'url'         => 'blog',
        'version'     => '1.1.18',
        'developer'   => 'The Jamroom Network, ©' . strftime('%Y'),
        'description' => 'Add blogging capabilities to profiles',
        'doc_url'     => '',
        'category'    => 'profiles',
        'license'     => 'mpl'
        'ampify' => 'true'
    return $_tmp;

What function do I need to add to my custom module's include.php to make this piece of data available to my skin's header.tpl?
updated by @the-patria-company: 06/16/19 10:53:49PM
03/17/19 08:38:13AM
349 posts

Allow Smarty in SignUp and Login Notes


Would it be possible to allow Smarty in the Login/Signup Notes?

I have a couple of conditional messages that I would like to use based upon the signup page

This would greatly reduce confusion for people who constantly signup for the wrong account type.

updated by @the-patria-company: 06/15/19 06:23:37PM