Forum Activity for @michael-d

08/28/19 08:33:58PM
92 posts

form designer cache

Design and Skin Customization

So basically I created new fields with the form designer in the profile form...
but when I try to modify the field options to add more selections later on, the new selections I want added does not update in the profile form
08/28/19 02:14:34PM
92 posts

form designer cache

Design and Skin Customization

The form designer or the cache in the system just seems to not work right...
I've tried developer mode, i've reset caches, and even the form cache.

but sometimes it just seems buggy....Any insight would help!
updated by @michael-d: 12/12/19 02:36:33AM
08/27/19 12:06:41PM
92 posts

RSS Template Variables

Design and Skin Customization

Worked great!! Thank you for your time and work!!!
08/25/19 12:25:52PM
92 posts

RSS Template Variables

Design and Skin Customization

So that does not work...It will not read parse these variables in the top half of the file

This is how it looks when its parsed/read....look at the url tag inside the image tag.....

<rss version="2.0"><channel><title>@Shots In Order - audio</title>
<description>This is the @Shots In Order - audio podcast</description>
<lastBuildDate>Sun, 25 Aug 2019 15:22:44 -0400</lastBuildDate>
<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
<title>devotion - @shotsinorder</title>
<enclosure url="" length="5335168" type="audio/mpeg"/>
<description>Shots In Order Posted a new Audio File - "devotion"</description><pubDate>Mon, 19 Aug 2019 23:03:04 -0400</pubDate>
<title>Call A Spade - @shotsinorder</title>
<enclosure url="" length="7811200" type="audio/mpeg"/>
<description>Shots In Order Posted a new Audio File - "Call A Spade"</description><pubDate>Mon, 04 Jun 2018 13:17:52 -0400</pubDate>

updated by @michael-d: 08/25/19 12:33:44PM
08/23/19 08:54:33PM
92 posts

RSS Template Variables

Design and Skin Customization

So it’s for the profile audio feeds...

I want to call a profile or song image
As the main image for a podcast
This needs needs to be in the upper half of the rss file, but these variables don’t work

However, the same variables work in the bottom half of the rss file....

Bottom half starting at where the for each loop is.
08/23/19 07:29:46PM
92 posts

RSS Template Variables

Design and Skin Customization

I already tried debug on the rss.tpl file and it doesn't work.

Why would some variables only be available to part of the file and not the entire file?

updated by @michael-d: 08/23/19 07:31:00PM
08/23/19 06:28:29AM
92 posts

RSS Template Variables

Design and Skin Customization

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
        <description>This is the {$rss_title} podcast<![CDATA[{$rss_desc}]]></description>
        <atom:link href="{$rss_feed_url}" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
        {foreach $_items as $item}
                <enclosure url="{$item._item_id}" length="{$item.audio_file_size}" type="audio/mpeg"/>

I can only access datastore variables for audio, profiles, etc... in the bottom half of this file, but not the top half(outside the loop)

More specifically I am trying to call images inside the image tag....but I dont have access to the variables for profile_image, or song_image in that part of the file
updated by @michael-d: 08/23/19 06:31:34AM
08/23/19 06:17:06AM
92 posts

RSS Template Variables

Design and Skin Customization

Thank you...but my question is related to the variables I have access to in the rss.tpl file

Some variables work in just part of this file, and not in the other part of the file.

How can we fix this?
updated by @michael-d: 08/23/19 06:17:40AM
08/22/19 09:21:01PM
92 posts

RSS Template Variables

Design and Skin Customization

So I've been editing my Rss.tpl file

I've been able to call all the variables I need in the {for each} loop!! Audio data, profile data, etc

However, calling these variables from outside the {for each} loop will not work.

How can we fix this?

updated by @michael-d: 11/25/19 08:02:57PM