Forum Activity for @musamensa

08/15/20 09:57:34AM
248 posts

How to add follow button to a template.

Design and Skin Customization

<div class="container">
    {if isset($_items)}
        {foreach from=$_items item="item"}

            {if $item@first || ($item@iteration % 6) == 1}
   <tr class="{cycle values=""}">
                <td class="page_table_cell center" style="width:10%;padding-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 5px;">{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrProfile" type="profile_image" item_id=$item._profile_id size="large" crop="portrait" class="img_scale" style="margin:0" alt="@`$item.profile_url`" title="@`$item.profile_url`"}</td>
                <td class="page_table_cell" style="width:30%;padding-left:10px;vertical-align: text-top;font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600;"><a style="color: #151515d6" href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}");">{$item.profile_name}</a> 
            <div style="font-size: 13px;font-weight: lighter;color: #0000005e;">Joined {$item._created|jrCore_date_format:"relative"}</div>
                <div> </div>
            {if $item@last || ($item@iteration % 6) == 0}


08/15/20 09:03:31AM
248 posts

How to add follow button to a template.

Design and Skin Customization

I am trying to add a follow button using the code below

{jrCore_lang id=5 skin="Mobile" default="Follow" assign="Follow"}
{jrFollower_button profile_id=$_profile_id titl=$follow}

but I keep getting an error that reads
{jrFollower_button} required parameter "profile_id" is missing ()

Thanks again.

updated by @musamensa: 11/14/20 10:19:17AM
08/15/20 04:18:22AM
248 posts

How do I make the profile_sidebar.tpl section to hide when a profile page is viewed.

Design and Skin Customization

I am working on a custom skin based on the Audio Pro skin and I would like to hide the profile sidebar section from selected profile pages like (timeline and blog) whenever the page is viewed from mobile.

I am currently looking at the profile_item_index.tpl page but I can't seem to make much sense of it.


updated by @musamensa: 11/23/20 09:53:24PM
04/16/20 09:40:10AM
248 posts

JrBirthday causing SSL error on page

Jamroom Developers

I have checked and only pages that display birthday.png have the SSL error, I also noticed that there are no SSL errors on those pages when I am logged in as admin.
04/15/20 08:45:18AM
248 posts

JrBirthday causing SSL error on page

Jamroom Developers

{jrCore_module_url module="jrImage" assign="iurl"}
{jrCore_lang module="jrBirthday" id=5 default="Today is %1's Birthday" 1=$item.user_name}{if jrUser_is_logged_in() && $_user._user_id != $item._user_id} - {jrCore_lang module="jrBirthday" id=6 default="share a birthday wish!"}{/if}

everything here looks ok
04/15/20 08:40:17AM
248 posts

JrBirthday causing SSL error on page

Jamroom Developers

jrCore_base_url was but i have changed it to https and reset cache but nothing has changed.
04/15/20 04:03:01AM
248 posts

JrBirthday causing SSL error on page

Jamroom Developers

Please kindly note that the following error appears to show that the jrBirthday module is causing some sort of mixed content on page error.

Loading mixed (insecure) display content “” on a secure page

updated by @musamensa: 07/24/20 09:23:26AM
12/17/19 11:45:39AM
248 posts

How do I display the txn_total on a profile account

Jamroom Developers

I need help with modifying the following code so that I can display the txn_total on a profile using the jrProfileStreamPay module.

This is how I am displaying the audio streams from a profile.

{jrCore_get_count module="jrAudio" name="audio_file_stream" profile_id=$_profile_id assign="audiostreams"}{$audiostreams}

Thanks for your usual help.

updated by @musamensa: 06/28/20 11:09:17AM
11/05/19 09:47:44AM
248 posts

ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS message on lading page

Installation and Configuration

I resolved the issues by downloading a new .htaccess file from the jamroom source code and replacing it with what was uploaded.