
Category:  Profiles
Version:  1.1.5
Size:  162KB
License:  JCL
Updated:  01/11/19 01:41:26AM
LifeStream  LifeStream

Provides LifeStreams to profiles and site, displays a feed of profile activity mixed in with activity from the profile fb, twitter, google+, etc accounts (over 45 services supported, including

Here is an example of a lifestream in the sidebar:
Signup is set to instant validation, so try out a timeline of your own.

Here is a lifestream as a profile page:

Here is a sitewide example:

A profile owner fills in their twitter, facebook,, youtube etc usernames/ids in their profile settings. On their profile a LifeStream appears showing their tweets, posts and updates as a mixed list, with the most recent activity first. The profile actions on the jamroom site, such as "create blog", "update audio", etc are also mixed into the lifestream.

As well as from the site's jrAction stream, a profile’s lifestream can be drawn from over 40 feeds., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, github, wikipedia, tumblr, flickr, linkedin, vimeo, lastfm, deviantart, wordpress and many more.

Lifestream calls each of the services and adds the results to the display of activity. Items are added in chronological order, so you see a mixed stream of activity from all of the enabled feeds.

Optionally, filter buttons can be output above the stream, allowing the visitor to filter each of the services.

It is very simple for your users, most of the services simply require a username or id. Facebook and Google+ usernames will be converted to the correct ids. In order to use Google+ successfully the site will need a server API key which can be obtained in your Google+ control panel.

The form fields, css and javascript required can be kept to a minimum by only including files for the services you need on your site. This is done in LifeStream’s global config.

Which services are checked can also be further resticted on a per quota basis. If Facebook changes its API or Twitter becomes unavailable, simply turn off the Facebook option for each quota until the service is available again. If a service is unavailable or changed it will not cause errors, but the fuzzy date stamp will not be displayed.

This module is enabled for editing of language, css and images in the ACP/


