Spectrum Color Picker

Spectrum Color Picker
Category:  Forms
Version:  1.0.1
Size:  53KB
License:  MPL
Updated:  11/14/15 10:12:00AM
Spectrum Color Picker  Spectrum Color Picker

Provides a full featured color picker form field using Spectrum.

The options field can be used to configure the color picker. For example, you could use something like:
data-show-input=true data-allow-empty=false data-show-alpha=true data-show-palette=true data-show-initial=true data-show-buttons=false data-preferred-format=rgb
See http://bgrins.github.io/spectrum/ for details of the many ways you can configure this field to your needs. Note: use the data-* hyphenated format rather than the javascript camelCase format.
