Forum Activity for @joanna

12/06/16 05:06:09AM
88 posts

Simple Chat / Ninja Skin some icons not showing?

Using Jamroom

I'm sorry Michael for the late reply.

We changed the skin to Ninja and I wanted to change some colors in the chat (the background, the color of the icon 'upload'). I also tried to change the size of some bubbles because our members complain that some of them are too tiny.

During these changes I observed the weird behavior of chat (it didn't want to hide, I couldn't write messages) so I did reset all changes to default.

Today I tried to find "jrchat-hidden-tabs" in our Style in ACP but I couldn't.
You said that only things which I changed should have changed (if only I understood you correctly).

I didnt make changes in CSS files.

12/05/16 12:10:49PM
88 posts

Simple Chat / Ninja Skin some icons not showing?

Using Jamroom

I did reset all settings connected with chat from ACP to default.
Is it a way to remove this "!important" now?

Does it mean that I should make all changes in CSS files instead of making some of them in Style?
Does it mean that even a tiny change in a one place add "!important" to everything?

Sorry for my silly questions but I want to understand the way how some things work here.
12/04/16 10:19:57AM
88 posts

Simple Chat / Ninja Skin some icons not showing?

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael,

But now I have a question.

I agree that I see:
#jrchat-hidden-tabs { display:none !important; }
inside the link you shared.

I tried to find it inside our CSS files.

In the file chat.css from the Skin folder, I cannot find "#jrchat-hidden-tabs".
When I opened jChat.css from modules folder, I found it, but this is a code which I see there:

#jrchat-hidden-tabs {    display: none;}

Does it mean I should delete it?

And yes, we tried to make changes in our Chat in ACP, but received weird things so I did reset some of them. Does it mean we should make changes only in CSS files?

thanks :)
11/30/16 11:11:19AM
88 posts

JR5 to JR6 Ningja Latest activity "array" issue

Using Jamroom

You're all awesome.

Thank you :)
11/30/16 11:03:40AM
88 posts

JR5 to JR6 Ningja Latest activity "array" issue

Using Jamroom

It means less work for me with changing the skin.

But, now I have a different problem. I made some changes inside CSS files in the 'skin' folder.
I guess I will need to make these changes again in the new skin folder.

Thank you :)
11/30/16 10:50:22AM
88 posts

JR5 to JR6 Ningja Latest activity "array" issue

Using Jamroom

I just want to be sure I understand that change correctly.
I've never changed the skin and don't want to destroy some things on the site.

We use "Ningja" skin now. I used Site Builder to create our Home page and a few other pages.

We want to change/update our skin to "Ninja" now.

After that change I guess I need to build again our home page in Site Builder and the other pages, too.
Am I right?

11/21/16 10:35:07AM
88 posts

full list of all tags?

Using Jamroom

On our site we try to have a list of tags which we use.

I found that when I use the Site Builder I can use "Item List" and choose "Item Tags" widget.
I tried different options to show list of tags, but I failed, nothing is shown.

I also tried to add a code which Michael suggested:
 {jrCore_list module="jrTags" limit=100} 

I disabled the Tag Cloud which we have on the site - I thought it might be a problem, but I still don't have the needed result.

What else can I check? Where do I make a mistake?
I would be grateful for any tip.

updated by @joanna: 11/21/16 10:38:13AM
11/18/16 12:35:23PM
88 posts

Export events to an external calendar

Using Jamroom

Hello :)

I have a question about events on JR.
Is it somehow possible to export events to external calendars such as Outlook or Google?
Is it a way to download the events as .ics/.csv files

Or maybe I don't see something and this option is somewhere available.
I would be grateful for any tips.

Many of our members will be appreciative of having this option available.

Thanks in advance

updated by @joanna: 03/11/17 04:50:06PM
11/13/16 03:52:32AM
88 posts

changing background color of menu bar subtabs?

Design and Skin Customization

I used your tips and changed the background color in our subtabs. However I like this gradient effect so changed only the first color.

Michael, Douglas, Strumelia - thank you :)
11/12/16 02:00:13AM
88 posts

CSS files - which to choose

Design and Skin Customization

Thank you :)
As usual, JR team made my day.

I've just tried both methods (Brian's and Michael's) and they work for me.
I guess, from now I will use the file I created. At least I will not have to think which file to update to add my own code.
