Forum Activity for @musicianband

09/19/19 07:16:04AM
45 posts

CSS Not Loading, ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined, ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Design and Skin Customization

Thank you for your answers! I had a deeper look into structure and I have identified and isolated a script with problems in meta.tpl . I did nothing to it, just stopped working and therefore crushed the head section of site.

I have attached the problem script.

Kind regards
Problem script.jpg Problem script.jpg - 23KB
09/18/19 02:00:43AM
45 posts

CSS Not Loading, ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined, ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Design and Skin Customization

Thank you for your answer! I will look again and when the problem is solved, I will write what happened. Have a great day!
09/17/19 02:43:56PM
45 posts

CSS Not Loading, ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined, ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Design and Skin Customization

Hello everyone.

I have a problem. I have edited some time a skin, and today, after a small modification, css is not loading anymore and there are a lot of errors for java script:

ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
ReferenceError: $ is not defined

.. . I suspected that maybe is something wrong with the code in template, I undo the modification, tried to clear cache, manually, and nothing. Also tried to change the skin, but the buttons on the page do not work anymore. I am sort of stuck. I would appreciate any help.

The site is

Kind regards
updated by @musicianband: 01/12/20 09:52:01AM
02/13/16 05:12:06AM
45 posts

Dashboard - Pending Users - Show more than 10 pending Users

Design and Skin Customization

I apologize for jumping in- I can't answer your questions and will leave that to someone else, ...but it does seem to me that if you added/edited two or three sign-up questions that required a 'live human with a an actual working brain' type of answer, it would probably prevent hundreds of bot signups to begin with. It might make your task easier?

Thank you for the answer and the ideea! Actualy, I'm not really sure how to do this! I would really appreciate some advice on that!
02/13/16 05:07:44AM
45 posts

Dashboard - Pending Users - Show more than 10 pending Users

Design and Skin Customization

No, the human check box is active and the bots continue overriding it.

My settings:

form designer - user/signup :

label: antirobot check
name: user_is_human
type: checkbox_spambot
active: yes
required: yes

field: user_is_human

label: antirobot check
sub label: none
help: check this box...
type: checkbox_spambot
options: none
default: none
validation: (string) either on or off (checkbox)
minimum: none
maximum: none
display groups: All users (including logged out)
required: checked
active: checked

Maybe I'm doing smth wrong with the settings??

I would also very much appreciate some advice on how to create on sign-up form a check-question with a "thinkable answer". Something like:

"Which is the fifth day of the week? (six letters, small caps)"
with the obvious answer

in order to allow sign-ups.

Thank You!
updated by @musicianband: 02/13/16 05:08:15AM
01/31/16 05:19:57AM
45 posts

Dashboard - Pending Users - Show more than 10 pending Users

Design and Skin Customization

Is there any way to display in dashboard more than 10 pending users? There are a lot of bots "trying to sign up" and even if I have choose the admin validation, they are on that list. My problem is as follows: if one real member expects approval and 299 bots are "waiting" for aproval, I will have to delete first the 290 bots and only then it would be possible to see on that list the real person/user.
I presume there's a *.tpl somewhere to edit, but I cannot find it.
Of course, I can check the profile and activate it following the link in the automated email received from system, but that sort of displaying would be a good feature.
Again, I'm looking for some checkboxes to check in order to be able to delete in bulk the bots on that pending list.
Thank you!
updated by @musicianband: 05/14/16 05:48:27PM
01/20/16 07:09:37AM
45 posts

User Profiles - Data browser - Filter by email domain

Using Jamroom

Actually, I need this function in order to create an automated way of deleting those filtered profiles, recording a macro using a software which records mouse and keyboards movements and actions, because I cannot stay 5 hours in front of computer to delete one by one those 1500 bots that intoxicated my site. So far, there is no ckeckbox near an user profile in data browser that would allow to select it. It would have been much more easyer to check each of them and click a button at the bottom: " delete selected profiles and their associated accounts and all the crap that they have posted on my site and in the same time block their ip's and ban their domains in order not to touch my site again! " . Unfortunately, there's not such an option and I have to improvise. Still looking for some ideas / sugestions. Thank You!
01/17/16 01:57:45AM
45 posts

User Profiles - Data browser - Filter by email domain

Using Jamroom

Hi! I am looking for a solution to display in User Profiles - Data browser only those profiles which have used a specific email domain name for registration. Please help!
updated by @musicianband: 04/21/16 03:41:55PM
10/27/15 02:58:32PM
45 posts

Deleting multiple user accounts / profiles


Thanks all for advices! I have installed the Banned Items module and now I am trying to clean up the list. From yesterday up to now, 500 more had breached in. It is ok to be vigilent, but this means to spend one hour daily to delete one by one all the unwanted bots. Hope to get rid of them and also to find a solution to better manage this process. Thanks all again!