Forum Activity for @jordan

04/08/18 07:55:38AM
24 posts

Lost landing page after running updates

Installation and Configuration

After running updates, integrity check and resetting cache I have lost my landing page.
header and footer stayed intact. I did try and import a backup but that didn't. Please advise.

Link to preceding topic:

updated by @jordan: 07/08/18 04:11:46AM
04/01/18 09:22:44AM
24 posts

syntax error

Installation and Configuration

Good to go ...thank you!
03/18/18 09:37:17AM
24 posts

syntax error

Installation and Configuration

sorry for the hold up...thanks for the responses. Please see attached...I just added a simple sentence of text and tried to save.
syntax error 2.JPG syntax error 2.JPG - 52KB
03/02/18 04:53:51PM
24 posts

syntax error

Installation and Configuration

something must be wrong because when I look back at other page links where I have added the html widget, it worked just fine. Not sure what has changed on our site. In fact when I go back to original html widgets I have previously built, with out even editing anything just saving, I get the same error.
updated by @jordan: 03/02/18 04:59:39PM
03/02/18 04:17:11PM
24 posts

syntax error

Installation and Configuration

all im doing is adding the html widget and then typing a sentence, saving the changes and then getting the error. not sure how im doing anything wrong. screenshot attached.
charts error.JPG charts error.JPG - 47KB
02/22/18 03:59:19PM
24 posts

syntax error

Installation and Configuration

why would I get this if im just creating a simple html widget? Please see attached screenshot.
syntax error.JPG syntax error.JPG - 23KB

updated by @jordan: 07/01/18 11:29:52PM
09/24/17 07:05:42AM
24 posts

Page/Widget Header Text and Fonts

Using Jamroom

I got ya... I tried the trial by error thing for a while to see results of changes and although it helped a little it was way to time consuming. I do appreciate your responses thank you ...I found a site from my first search that looks like it might have some good basics training here: Hopefully it helps others as well.....

Thanks for your help
09/24/17 05:55:58AM
24 posts

how to add an event to an event calendar

Using Jamroom

Thanks!!! I appreciate your help...
09/24/17 05:33:24AM
24 posts

how to add an event to an event calendar

Using Jamroom

I have just added an event calendar to a page. The page is launched from a header link. Now that the "Event Calendar" module has been added on that page how can I add events to the calendar. All I'm able to do is open the calendar to an expanded larger view. How do you add things to it? Also this calendar needs to be locked down so only admins can make changes.

updated by @jordan: 12/23/17 07:30:57AM
09/24/17 05:29:09AM
24 posts

Page/Widget Header Text and Fonts

Using Jamroom

Thanks for your help! Guess at this point I'm forced to learn html and css...which i was really trying to avoid. I would appreciate a a good learning guide, study or tutorial...any recommendations?