Forum Activity for @tunefeed

02/20/18 04:30:29PM
22 posts

Cumulative likes on posts

Jamroom Developers

Well this is what shares things in the feedback.tpl

Im just wanting to keep the original item's feedback and not create new posts with all new feedback lists. If the item gets shared and then liked, the likes dont appear on the original item at this point. I feel like what i'm trying to do should be the simpler way to do it as it doesnt create a new post, new likes, new ratings, new share count.

{if isset($disable_share)}

{jrCore_lang module="jrAction" id=35 default="You have Shared this with your Followers" assign="title"}
{jrCore_image image="share_disabled.png" width=24 height=24 class="like_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}

{elseif !isset($item.action_shared)}
{$share_id = $item_id}
{$share_module = $module}
{if isset($item.action_original_item_id) && is_numeric($item.action_original_item_id)}
{$share_id = $item.action_original_item_id}
{$share_module = $item.action_original_module}
{if $share_module == 'jrComment' && is_array($item.action_original_data)}
{$share_module = $item.action_original_data.comment_module}
{$share_id = $item.action_original_data.comment_item_id}

{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}


{jrCore_lang module="jrAction" id=34 default="Share This with your Followers" assign="title"}
{jrCore_image image="share.png" width="24" height="24" class="like_button_img" alt=$title title=$title}

02/20/18 03:39:42PM
22 posts

Cumulative likes on posts

Jamroom Developers

what is the variable for the original item? I could try to work on it but just need a little more info.
02/20/18 01:05:49PM
22 posts

Cumulative likes on posts

Jamroom Developers

if the original item shows up and a users are always liking the original item wouldnt it always show up?
it creates a new post for every share. Its just a matter of reposting the original item on someone else's timeline upon when shared instead of creating a new post for the other user. What template would be adjusted to work on this?
02/19/18 04:01:38PM
22 posts

Cumulative likes on posts

Jamroom Developers

I'd like for the posts on my site to accumulate likes, comments, ratings in a cumulative manner.
So if someone shares a my post that already has 3 likes, 2 comments, 1 rating the feedback will follow the original post instead of create a new post.
Anyone know how I can do this?
updated by @tunefeed: 05/22/18 03:38:49AM
02/16/18 01:09:28PM
22 posts

Profile datastore from purchase

Jamroom Developers

Looking to create a datastore in user profiles to collect info on what theyve purchased.
these items need to be a class of their own.
When a user purchases a specific item a function needs to happen to show exclusive items because they made this purchase.

e.g. i put up a bonus song that users can stream only if they've bought another song.

updated by @tunefeed: 05/19/18 11:07:51AM
02/15/18 01:06:27PM
22 posts

Item list based on sign up input (list filters)

Jamroom Developers

I'm looking to have a chain select option above the item list so users can change the list to show items from specific locations. So you can select US>oregon>portland and see an audio item list solely from oregon then select US>Washington>Seattle to see items from seattle.
This will require a chained select embedded with data variables that are integrated into the item list.
I'd like the chain select module to not take up 3 whole rows as well as that seems to be a big waste of space when they could go next to each other. This code looks like it would generate only 1 list that would not be changeable by the user.
02/15/18 11:35:25AM
22 posts

Item list based on sign up input (list filters)

Jamroom Developers

I have user locations in my sign up form.
Has anyone made a page with location filters?
So you can select location from a the chain select and the item list will generate a list of audio files where the user location = Seattle, WA?
updated by @tunefeed: 05/19/18 06:55:25PM
02/13/18 07:44:19PM
22 posts

Make something show up only on an item for specific quota

Jamroom Developers

This is that I have so far.

{if $item._profile_quota_id == 2 or 4}

{show this}
{else hidden}

It works in another area of my site with this code at the top

{if is_array($item)}
{$_profile_quota_id = $item._profile_quota_id}


but it doesnt work in my item lists. with the same code at least
02/13/18 04:20:36PM
22 posts

Make something show up only on an item for specific quota

Jamroom Developers

We're close. I want items from users in this quota to show extra features. Visible to all. But shown on items only for users in the quota "2"
{* {if $item.profile_quota_id == 2}
// Show the item
{/if} *}
02/12/18 10:31:10PM
22 posts

Different div classes

Jamroom Developers

Is there any way to know what the different div classes are?