Forum Activity for @adrianbara

06/04/19 07:34:49AM
7 posts

Gedcom import


Hello again Brian, do you have any idea how many parts there is in the import process? First import, then something about sources, what exactly does it do then? Why does it need a connection to the database after it has imported the number of ancestors from the GEDCOM file?
05/28/19 02:05:36PM
7 posts

Gedcom import


Thanks a lot Brian for all your replies. It was the hosting provider, just like you said. I managed to call them and have them increase the time-out value on the connection to the MySQL server. So the first part of the import imported all 41000 ancestors in my GEDCOM file. But then it started on sources, and then it hangs again. So it seems my time-out setting needs to be much much higher. Do you have any idea how much this setting should be set to? We set it to 25 minutes, but that wasn't enough. Do I need to increase it to an hour or more?
05/28/19 05:32:11AM
7 posts

Gedcom import


And now I'm getting this:

"The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later." instead of the site. Any idea what could have triggered this?
05/27/19 09:47:17AM
7 posts

Gedcom import


I managed to fish this out from a logfile.

"Query Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query:"
05/27/19 09:25:50AM
7 posts

Gedcom import


I'll take a look. Thanks. Here's a list of the current settings I'm using for php 7.2.

allow_url_fopen On
always_populate_raw_post_data 0
disable_functions no value
display_errors On
error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED
file_uploads On
include_path .:
log_errors Off
mail.force_extra_parameters no value
max_execution_time 4000
max_file_uploads 20
max_input_time 90
max_input_vars 3000
memcached.use_sasl Off
memory_limit 2048M
newrelic.appname PHP Application
newrelic.license no value
newrelic.logfile /tmp/newrelic.log
newrelic.loglevel error
opcache.fast_shutdown Off
opcache.interned_strings_buffer 8
opcache.max_accelerated_files 2000
opcache.memory_consumption 196
opcache.revalidate_freq 2
opcache.validate_timestamps On
open_basedir no value
post_max_size 50M
register_argc_argv Off
register_long_arrays Off
session.save_handler files
short_open_tag On
upload_max_filesize 50M
05/27/19 07:29:57AM
7 posts

Gedcom import


It's a hosting service in Sweden, called Oderland. So I could perhaps increase the php memory on the server (I have CPanel access)?
05/27/19 06:57:20AM
7 posts

Gedcom import


Hi there! I'm trying out Genosis, and it looks pretty nice! I'm having a problem though. I'm trying to import a Gedcom file, but I can't seem to finish the process. It's got just over 41000 ancestors, and I'm trying and re-trying to import the file over and over again. But it stops at one place or another. Sometimes it gets as far as to 18000, sometimes 29000, and once as far as 38000, which is as high as I got so far. And it simply stops in the middle of the import, no error or anything, just hangs there.

If I refresh, I'm back to the import page and can start again.

Do you have any idea what I could do to import the whole file?


updated by @adrianbara: 09/06/19 09:07:24PM