Forum Activity for @melih

07/20/20 12:32:21AM
198 posts

Profile pictures on e-mail

Jamroom Developers

Hi @nate, i am sorry i didn't have time before, busy week :(

here is my temlate:

<div style="font-size: 16px;">
  <div style="font-size: 18px;">
    Hello {$username},<br>There are anniversaries will take place next week:

  {capture name="s_tpl" assign="s_tpl"}
  {if isset($_items)}
  {foreach $_items as $item}
    {if $item.profile_include_yildonumu != 'cikar'}
      {if $item.event_type == 'marriage'}
        {if $item.profile_gender == 'female'}
        <div style="display:table; padding-bottom: 5px;">
          <div style="display:table-cell">
            {if isset($item.event_image_size) && $item.event_image_size > 0}
              {jrCore_module_url module="jrGenEvent" assign="murl"}
              {jrCore_module_url module="jrGenSource" assign="surl"}
              <img src="{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/image/event_image/{$item._item_id}/icon/crop=portrait/_v={$item.event_image_time}" width="68" style="border-radius: 8px;" alt="{$item.event_source_img_title|jrCore_entity_string}" title="{$item.event_source_img_title|jrCore_entity_string}">
            {elseif isset($item.event_source_img)}
              <img src="{$item.event_source_img}/icon/crop=portrait" width="68" style="border-radius: 8px;" alt="{$item.event_source_img_title|jrCore_entity_string}" title="{$item.event_source_img_title|jrCore_entity_string}">
            {else}<img src="{$jamroom_url}/img/rings.png" width="68">
          <div style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding:0 5px 0 12px">
            {$item.event_date|jrGenCore_get_day} {$item.event_date|jrGenCore_get_readable_month} {$item.event_date|jrGenCore_get_year} <br>
            <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}"><span style="color: #336699;">{$item.profile_first_name}{if isset($item.event_linked_person) && strlen($item.event_linked_person) > 0} and {$item.event_linked_person}&apos;s{/if} wedding anniversary</span></a>
        <div style="display:table; padding-bottom: 5px;">
          <div style="display:table-cell;">
            {if $item.profile_image_size > 0}
              {jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrProfile" type="profile_image" item_id=$item._profile_id size="icon" crop="portrait" width="68" style="border-radius: 8px;" alt=$item.profile_name title=$item.profile_name}
            {elseif isset($item.profile_gender)}
              {jrCore_image module="jrGenCore" image="`$item.profile_gender`.png" alt=$profile_name width=68}
              {jrCore_image module="jrGenCore" image="unknown.png" alt=$profile_name width=68}
          <div style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding:0 5px 0 12px">
            {$item.event_date|jrGenCore_get_day} {$item.event_date|jrGenCore_get_readable_month} {$item.event_date|jrGenCore_get_year} <br>
            <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}"><span style="color: #336699;">{$item.profile_name}&apos;s {if $item.event_type == 'birth'}birthday{elseif $item.event_type == 'death'}death anniversary{/if}</span></a>
  {assign var="bugun" value=date("md")}
  {assign var="bir" value=date("md", strtotime("+1 days"))}
  {assign var="iki" value=date("md", strtotime("+2 days"))}
  {assign var="uc" value=date("md", strtotime("+3 days"))}
  {assign var="dort" value=date("md", strtotime("+4 days"))}
  {assign var="bes" value=date("md", strtotime("+5 days"))}
  {assign var="alti" value=date("md", strtotime("+6 days"))}
  {assign var="yedi" value=date("md", strtotime("+7 days"))}
  {jrCore_list module="jrGenEvent" search1="event_type = birth || event_type = death || event_type = marriage" search2="event_date like %$bir" limit="10" template=$s_tpl no_cache=true}
  {jrCore_list module="jrGenEvent" search1="event_type = birth || event_type = death || event_type = marriage" search2="event_date like %$iki" limit="10" template=$s_tpl no_cache=true}
  {jrCore_list module="jrGenEvent" search1="event_type = birth || event_type = death || event_type = marriage" search2="event_date like %$uc" limit="10" template=$s_tpl no_cache=true}
  {jrCore_list module="jrGenEvent" search1="event_type = birth || event_type = death || event_type = marriage" search2="event_date like %$dort" limit="10" template=$s_tpl no_cache=true}
  {jrCore_list module="jrGenEvent" search1="event_type = birth || event_type = death || event_type = marriage" search2="event_date like %$bes" limit="10" template=$s_tpl no_cache=true}
  {jrCore_list module="jrGenEvent" search1="event_type = birth || event_type = death || event_type = marriage" search2="event_date like %$alti" limit="10" template=$s_tpl no_cache=true}
  {jrCore_list module="jrGenEvent" search1="event_type = birth || event_type = death || event_type = marriage" search2="event_date like %$yedi" limit="10" template=$s_tpl no_cache=true}

updated by @melih: 07/20/20 12:43:28AM
07/12/20 09:55:54AM
198 posts

Profile pictures on e-mail

Jamroom Developers

Hello guys,

I am having a problem for a while now but i didn't have time to ask you about it. I made myself a module to send e-mails weekly to notify users about anniversaries for the upcoming week. I am not sure when exactly this problem occured but it's been like this for a while now. For example as you can see in the attached pictures, Gmail is not showing the profiles pictures but the other ones i checked like hotmail is showing pictures without problem. Gmail can show the default profile pictures that system shows for the profiles without an uploaded profile picture as you can see in the attached picture. But somehow doesn't show the uploaded pictures as described above. Do you have any idea what might cause this problem and how can i fix it?
gmail.PNG gmail.PNG - 86KB

updated by @melih: 10/18/20 10:32:02PM
09/23/19 02:03:31PM
198 posts

360 degree images for Embed Local Media?

Jamroom Developers

I made a custom module uses Pannellum to show 360 degree panaromic images. It can show partial panaromas too. I needed to use another lightbox plugin to work with pannellum for this custom module. And i think there is a 4096px OpenGL limitation for mobile devices (whatever the hell it is) so you need to resize yor images or add a line to jrImage module for it (maybe Brian add that size for this in the future) I am not saying it was easy to make it work but it is possible. Pannellum working enough for me, but i think there are more easy and better ways to do it for someone who knows what to do :)
updated by @melih: 09/23/19 02:36:24PM
02/26/19 08:30:26AM
198 posts

Download file name

Jamroom Developers

Thank you Michael! I will try that
02/25/19 02:02:33AM
198 posts

Download file name

Jamroom Developers

Hello everyone,

Is there a way to change the name of the image file when using module/download/something/item_id
It uses the title of the image, but i want to use id number. I noticed that if the title is empty system uses the original file name. How can i make it to use the item_id as file name in my custom module? I am guessing that probably make with a listener for download event but i don't know how :(

Thanks in advance
updated by @melih: 06/02/19 12:34:57PM
03/20/18 02:18:06PM
198 posts

Image Core crop filling color


Thank you Brian, it is working now. It's perfect! Have a great day.
03/20/18 12:01:48PM
198 posts

Image Core crop filling color


Ok Brian, thank you! Please let me know if you find a solution.
03/20/18 11:53:54AM
198 posts

Image Core crop filling color


I did try but i couldn't make it:
I literally copy and paste what you wrote in case i wrote it wrong but now it doesn't work at all

output is like this:

<img class="img_scale" src="" alt="Arden Metin" title="Arden Metin" width="800">
03/20/18 11:40:13AM
198 posts

Image Core crop filling color


Oh, really! Silly me! Let me try it