Ninja: Ning to Jamroom

Move your Ning site to Jamroom and get peace of mind for your site's future. With our Full Service Ning Import, we do the work exporting your existing Ning site and importing it to a new Jamroom site you fully control.

Have questions about Jamroom or wondering how easy it is?
Contact us and we can help you step by step.

See why Ning users wish they had migrated to Jamroom earlier.
Contact Us

Ning Import Service

From $49

Our team has handled dozens of successful Ning migrations - let us take care of the exporting and importing for you.

Ninja Skin

Most Ning 2.0 features supported

Import ALL your Ning Groups

Extensive Group features

Many Features not found in Ning

Ning Import Services

Get Hosted

If you are migrating from Ning, you need hosting.

The highest performing Jamroom Hosting you can get.

Fully managed and hassle free.
View Packages
"New exciting features added every week, rock-solid hosting, limitless flexibility, super fast Support Team, and very reasonable prices. My online community is thriving on Jamroom and I couldn't be happier."
Strumelia @