Category:  Profiles
Version:  1.0.2
Size:  66KB
License:  JCL
Updated:  10/28/20 01:56:19PM
Requires:  Phantom
Webshot  Webshot  Webshot

The Webshot module provides webshot profile items and screenshot abilities.

If you want to provide recommended website bookmarks, reviews or a web directory this module will enable you to do that. You can also save any metadata you like and optionally display some of that in the item detail template.

Using the required ujPhantom module (free), screenshots for desktop, tablet, mobile and the full length page are captured automatically and without relying on any 3rd party service.

You can add webshot fields to other module items using the Form Designer.

Rapidly create a directory of websites using the bulk create form, automatic screenshots and the website's metadata.

