What is Site Builder?

  • Introduction

    Site Builder is designed to make it easy to customize the pages in your Jamroom site:

    - Add, Update and Delete pages to your site
    - Design the layout of individual pages on your site
    - Customize the content of the pages on your site
    - Customize the header menu for your site

    All of this is done through an easy "point and click" interface - no programming or template editing experience is needed.
  • Site Builder works with any Site Page - A Site Page is a page that does NOT belong to a User Profile.
  • youtube
    A quick screencast about what Site Builder does
  • Site Builder Terminology

    Site Builder Terminology
    Site Builder uses specific terms for items or sections of a page - the following terms are used throughout Site Builder (as well as the documentation):

    Page - A page in Site Builder is a page that is accessible via a unique URL on your site - for example:




    are 2 unique pages in your Jamroom. Pages are the highest level
    "container" for Site Builder.

    Row - A Row is a horizontal container on a page that contains 1, 2 or 3 Containers. A Row defines the WIDTH that containers will adjust to on the page.

    Container - A Container is a widget holder in a Row. Each Row can have either 1, 2 or 3 containers. Containers can be configured to display Widgets either Stacked or Tabbed. All Widgets on a page are inside a container.

    Widget - A widget is an element of content that is located INSIDE a Container. Widgets are what contain the actual content that is going to be on the page and consist of different boxes of content - i.e. HTML, images, audio players, etc. The actual widgets available to you will depend on the modules installed in your Jamroom.

    Make sure and click on the image to the right for a graphical display of the different sections on a Site Builder page.
