Forum Activity for @luis456

01/27/24 02:56:05PM
48 posts

Seamless Module not working with site builder - Item List (Combined) Widget

Using Jamroom

Hello. I had done all these things before submitting this tread. The problem is, I have the same problem with other sites. it is only happening with the combine list that is causing the problem. Im not sure if it is the seemless module or tje widget that is causing the issue. I unInstalled and reinstall the module and it did mot work as well.
01/26/24 10:50:37AM
48 posts

Seamless Module not working with site builder - Item List (Combined) Widget

Using Jamroom

Below are the errors codes that I'm seen from:
Activity log:
	core: 404 Page not found: /modules/jrCore/router.php?_uri=403.shtml 
PID	16261
    [_post] => Array
            [_uri] => /modules/jrCore/router.php?_uri=403.shtml
            [module_url] => modules
            [module] => 
            [option] => jrCore
            [_1] => router.php
    [referrer] =>
    [client] => ias-or/3.3 (former +


tack trace: [206]
#0 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrCore-release-7.0.1/contrib/smarty4/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_resource_base.php(123): content_65ae0c1f202770_98892195(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) [7]
#1 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrCore-release-7.0.1/contrib/smarty4/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_compiled.php(114): Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) [44]
#2 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrCore-release-7.0.1/contrib/smarty4/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php(216): Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) [44]
#3 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrCore-release-7.0.1/contrib/smarty4/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(238): Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 1) [44]
#4 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrCore-release-7.0.1/contrib/smarty4/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(134): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template), NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) [44]
#5 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrCore-release-7.0.1/lib/skin.php(903): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->display('/home/domain/...') [44]
#6 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrSearch-release-2.3.1/views/results.php(61): jrCore_parse_template('search_results....', Array, 'jrSearch') [42]
#7 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrCore-release-7.0.1/lib/module.php(314): view_jrSearch_results(Array, Array, Array) [42]
#8 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrCore-release-7.0.1/router.php(119): jrCore_run_module_view_function('view_jrSearch_r...') [42]
thrown in /home/domain/public_html/data/cache/jrAudioPro2/jrSearch_search_results_tpl^08928cb19c4225c20210e8d82b8681f97d63662b_1.file.3dce75f35ac8e98b33ee707ccbbb6d45^jrSearch^search_results.tpl.php on line 83 [42]
#0 /home/domain/public_html/modules/jrCore-release-7.0.1/contrib/smarty4/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_resource_base.php(123): content_65af1431258c26_01567108(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) [6]
01/26/24 06:21:28AM
48 posts

Seamless Module not working with site builder - Item List (Combined) Widget

Using Jamroom

Seach Condition is disabled(grayout) when the three viedos modules are selected sa showing in the 2nd image of my post. in your image, it appears to be workingfine.what do you think the problem can be? it is only happening with the combined list. The other widgets are working fine. Please let me know which log file do you need?
01/23/24 08:25:27PM
48 posts

Seamless Module not working with site builder - Item List (Combined) Widget

Using Jamroom

Hello Everyone.
Could you please assist with a minor issue that I'm having with the Seamless module that is not working with with site builder - Item List (Combined) Widget
1) From site builder, if I select Edit Widget from it just displays a blank page(see below image). This is only happening with the Item List(Combined) Widget. Other widgets works fine.
2) From Site Builder When select "Add Widget" to container, select Item List(Combined) from Widgets, it allows me to select the Widget contents, but all the "List Options" are disabled(gray-out),and does not allows me to make any changes(see second image).
The latest version of Jamroom, modules are installed. I tried with different skins with same results.
The current Item List(Combined) Widget is working fine. The problem is that I'm no longer able to modify it or able to create a new Item List(combined) widget with the available options.
If you can help with this will be great.

Edit_SeamlessWidget.png Edit_SeamlessWidget.png - 41KB
05/29/23 05:45:00AM
48 posts

Is Litespeed Web Server supported by Jamroom?

Using Jamroom

Hello Team.
I noticed that my Host provided installed Litespeed Web server installed on my dedicated server. Maybe because my server is hosting a couple of WordPress sites?
In the system check jamroom recommends "Apache or Nginx Web Server required"
Could you please confirm this?
So far I had no noticed any issues with my sites that is running on Jamroom.
If I have have to request my webhost install the prover Web Sever, which one Apache or Nginx is recommended) would you recommend?
I had requested my host provided to install PHP 8.x in preparation for the new version over jamroom, but I would like to also take the advantage and remediate the webserver issue if any.

Thank You for your support.
php.PNG php.PNG - 14KB

updated by @luis456: 08/28/23 03:15:32AM
07/06/20 08:37:06PM
48 posts

Charts acting strange after 6.5 Upgrade

Using Jamroom

I had upgraded the database to MariaDB 10.3.23 the skin to Audio Pro 2 hopping that will fix the error, but not luck yet.
I'm having the same issue. Looks like the Core is graving the wrong data for streams counts.
In wonder if somebody else is having the same problem besides @cloud-media after the upgrade.
updated by @luis456: 07/06/20 08:38:46PM
06/30/20 10:22:19PM
48 posts

Charts acting strange after 6.5 Upgrade

Using Jamroom

Hello Michael. If that is the case then the number of plays should be "0" right? But this not the case. 1 and 7 days charts shows the total plays, 14 days seems to be right, but 365 shows plays for the month.
I tried on you demo site and it seems to be working okay.
Does your demo site has the latest version of Jamrom 6.5.5 with the AudioPro skin 1.1.6?
Just wondering.
I was also testing with the Media Pro Light skin 1.6  domain/music_charts and the charts for 1 week, 1 month and one year do not show any data.
Modifying the code in the music_charts.tpl
from this:
{if isset($_conf.jrMediaProLight_require_images) && $_conf.jrMediaProLight_require_images == 'on'}
{if isset($_post.search_area) && $_post.search_area == 'audio_genre'}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" quota_id=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_artist_quota search1="audio_genre like `$_post.search_string`" template="music_chart_row.tpl" require_image="audio_image" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" quota_id=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_artist_quota template="music_chart_row.tpl" require_image="audio_image" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{if isset($_post.search_area) && $_post.search_area == 'audio_genre'}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" quota_id=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_artist_quota search1="audio_genre like `$_post.search_string`" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" quota_id=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_artist_quota template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}

to this:
{if isset($_conf.jrMediaProLight_require_images) && $_conf.jrMediaProLight_require_images == 'on'}
{if isset($_post.search_area) && $_post.search_area == 'audio_genre'}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{if isset($_post.search_area) && $_post.search_area == 'audio_genre'}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}

seems to display data but with the same wrong plays counts.
I tried on your demo site
and it seems to work fine.

Now I'm not sure if the jamroom core and skin are current.
Just wondering
06/16/20 01:53:27PM
48 posts

Charts acting strange after 6.5 Upgrade

Using Jamroom

After doing some testing looks like the "Pagebreak" is not displaying the data properly and causing this issues. When this option is disabled it appears to work fine, but still it appears that pagebreak is grabbing/displaying the counts in the opposite order.
But I'm not so sure if that is the case.
05/14/20 03:09:53PM
48 posts

Charts acting strange after 6.5 Upgrade

Using Jamroom

Hello Jamroom team. I hope things are going well.
After 6.5 upgrade I noticed that the Charts are acting strange and not displaying the proper plays for the range time(1 day, week, month, year) selected.
See attached image that I noticed in the Audio Pro 1.1.5 skin. In the front page shows one number and in the chart page shows different. I tried in the Media Pro 1.6 skin and it does not shows anything.
Has the way how charts works in new jamroom changed?
Audio Pro:
Charts page: domain/chart
Media Pro: doman/music_charts

frontpage.PNG frontpage.PNG - 8KB

updated by @luis456: 10/06/20 12:40:03PM
05/10/17 07:18:06AM
48 posts

Android and Apple App


Hello All!
I think this topic was brought before, but I'm bringing it back again and I hope you guys don't mind.

With all the mobile apps for androids and Apples being so successfully, I noticed that most if not the mayority had also developed Mobiel apps on top of their websites. I feel like We(Jamroom users) are left behind this technologies. I know that all the jamroom skin are mobile compatible which is great, but I also have noticed that most mobile users prefers to use an app rather than a website. Therefore now days mobile apps are a must have to stay on top of this competitive market.
Has Jamroom thought about developing mobile app for Android and Apple and perhaps windows that is also coming back and strong?

I remember in the past, Nate developed an Android App for jamroom 4. For me it worked perfect and I think I still have it listed in the Google app store. It is no longer working, but it is still there.

I'm aware that Proxima is available for this purpose, but for me or other none-developer people may be a little difficult to achieve.
I'm just wondering it it is in the TO DO list to bring back Jamrom Mobile App for Android and Apple.

I found this app that has a Jamroom platform and it is just the type that I'm looking for. This apps plays youtube videos, soundcloud, and even has a Radio Page.

Congratulation for developing this awesome app. I really like it.

Thank You

updated by @luis456: 08/12/17 04:39:58PM