Forum Activity for @asil

03/23/15 07:05:39PM
41 posts

Events Listing the wrong way round again in Ningja

Using Jamroom

I replicate this effect on my site also. [If JamRoom Support goes to the page, they will see its listing the oldest dates first.]

However, I think the issue may be with how the calendar is reporting the event. It appears be listing the events based on when they were created, not on the actual date of the event itself. Since the site was created off a data-dump, all the events were created on the same day and the earliest ones show up first.

As a test, I created some events on my testing account. I confirm this site is sorting them in the order I created them, not via the dates for the event itself.

As a site creator, I would like the default sort view for events to be most recent events at the top.
03/23/15 06:48:57PM
41 posts

Changing what shows in the Groups Tab on profile pages

Ning To Jamroom

@brian. JamRoom is a profile-centric platform, that makes the member's profile the heart of the site and its where they are directed when they log in.

Most of our active discussions are within groups. Not having an easy way for members to see what is happening in the groups they belong to will make their enjoyment ...and their willingness to transition ...much more likely.

If it's too difficult to create a tab within the user's profile that shows the groups that profile belongs to, is there anyway we can add something to their profile page that aggregates recent content from the groups they belong to?

In the "Help with a profile page setting for Groups TAB" discussion, Paul wrote:

I think the place for this would be in the profile page sidebar, where the bio, follower and other specific profile info is. Would that be ok? I'll work out how to do it if so.

I would appreciate if Paul could come up with a workaround using the sidebar, if creating a tab isn't able to be on the JamRoom roadmap.

03/23/15 06:22:28PM
41 posts

Help with a profile page setting for Groups TAB

Ning To Jamroom

Sorry, I just realized I asked this in another thread and got Brian's response there. I'm closing this.

I also want to create a way for users to see what group they belong to, via a tab (or other architecture) when they are on their profile page. I've search the forums and this is the only thread I've found that appears to address the concern.

What's the URL for the thread with Brian's solution?
03/23/15 04:31:41PM
41 posts

New "Kickbox" Email Validation module

Ning To Jamroom

@ultrajam Email addresses go dormant for all kinds of reasons; the owner abandoning it because of spam is one.

From our perspective, as admins of sites that send email, understanding how to keep our lists up-to-date and reaching people who actively want the the content is the purpose of the "Kickbox" Email Validation module. I'm happy JamRoom is offering it; it will save me the trouble of having to use a third-party tool and then re-import my lists.

Thanks, JamRoom!
03/23/15 04:10:40PM
41 posts

New "Kickbox" Email Validation module

Ning To Jamroom

According to Jupiter Research, more than 20 percent of email registrations contain typos, syntax, domain and other errors. And, the average email marketing list loses about 15% of its efficacy every year, due to people abandoning their addresses.

Even if your list is entirely built on valid opt-ins, you are at risk of being branded a “spammer” if you don’t practice proper email hygiene. Here's an article that outlines the risks, from the ISP's perspective:

MarketingSherpa has a good case study on how cNET increased engagement by cleaning their lists and changing how they used email.
03/23/15 03:42:29PM
41 posts

Site Builder - Widgets: Profile Gallery by Quota

Using Jamroom

@michael. The code worked like a charm. *smiles* Thanks, Michael!
03/15/15 05:46:55PM
41 posts

Site Builder - Widgets: Profile Gallery by Quota

Using Jamroom

I'd like to have a widget on the main page that shows the profile images for profiles belonging to a certain quota, in this case the "New Signup Quota". Using the construction kit tool, its not apparent to me how to craft the request so it pulls users from just that quota.

Here's what I built:

{jrConstructionKit_rotator module="jrProfile" limit="50" search1="New Signup Quota" }

It returns nothing! *laughs*

How would you write the code?

updated by @asil: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
03/08/15 01:44:45PM
41 posts

Disabling User and Maintaining Their Content

Ning To Jamroom

gary.moncrieff:You first need to consider who owns the content. With all the privacy and right to be forgotten going round at the moment you need to be careful.

Thanks, Gary. It is important to understand how intellectual property rights work in your jurisdictions, and to be clear with your users about what they may be giving up when they upload data to the site.

Our ToS makes clear they are giving a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sub-licenseable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform their content. We also include a link to the DMCA Notification Guidelines, if they are alleging copyright infringement on the site.

It's been awhile since I had our lawyer look at the ToS, so that's one of the things we'll be reviewing before moving off the test-bed.
03/08/15 01:37:25PM
41 posts

Disabling User and Maintaining Their Content

Ning To Jamroom

SteveX:Change their email and password ....

That is a possible solution; thankfully, JamRoom has a way to block a banned user from accessing the site.