Forum Activity for @asil

04/12/15 05:45:04PM
41 posts

Private Events Become Public Events Post-Migration

Ning To Jamroom

In NING, when we create events, the creator has the ability to set the privacy function for their event:

Public: Anyone can RSVP and see event details
Private: Only invited people can RSVP and see event details

In JamRoom, it appears that all events must be public.

This creates a significant issue for NING-to-Jamroom imports, as all events migrate into the environment as public. This means events that were set to private can now be seen by all members, including their comments.

As the site admin, is there a way to add the private function to events?

If not, adding this functionality would be real value-added for the platform.

updated by @asil: 05/21/15 01:01:47PM
04/04/15 02:34:07PM
41 posts

Events Listing the wrong way round again in Ningja

Using Jamroom

brian: What skin are you testing on? Is it Ningja?

Yes, NingJa. And, its running all the latest patches. Adding a screenshot of that page view.
NingJa Event Listing Wrong Order.jpg NingJa Event Listing Wrong Order.jpg - 160KB

updated by @asil: 04/04/15 02:40:26PM
04/04/15 02:11:00PM
41 posts

How to Create a Calendar on the Main Page that Shows All Events

Ning To Jamroom

michael:(no sense in making it completely copy+paste eh ;)

I appreciate your levity. Sadly, as a person with dyslexia, PHP is a challenge for me. And, as person with very limited time, cut/paste is really appreciated and very much desired. :-)

I have tried to make something from the code provided, but I am really struggling. When I combine the code and put it into the CODE box of the widget, I get a drop-down for each month that, when triggered, takes me to a blank page. In other words, it doesn't effect the embedded calendar.

How do I link these functions?
updated by @asil: 04/04/15 02:32:06PM
04/04/15 01:46:11PM
41 posts

Events Listing the wrong way round again in Ningja

Using Jamroom

If you only want to see the up coming events, make sure you have the ACP > Skin Settings > Events > Show Past Events check box unchecked.

Thanks, Douglas. However, only showing coming events won't work for us. We need to be able to find past events too.

Someone has marked this thread as completed. However, the issue still exists on our site. Does someone have a fix for it?

I want to show all events (past, present, future) and to have them appear so the future events appear at the top of the page when the user is on the EVENT page for our site. [Using the NingJa skin, that page is http://[YOUR SITE NAME]]
04/01/15 03:21:44PM
41 posts

Changing what shows in the Groups Tab on profile pages

Ning To Jamroom

This was addressed in the current version of the Profile Groups module. Thanks, JamRoom!

From the changelog for Version 1.2.0:

- New: "Groups You Follow" section added to User Account drop down menu
- New: Updated to support new NingJa skin "Show Profile Header" global setting
- Change: Templates modified: item_detail.tpl, item_index.tpl, item_members.tpl
03/24/15 01:37:37PM
41 posts

How to Create a Calendar on the Main Page that Shows All Events

Ning To Jamroom

@michael. Thanks for the quick response.

When I paste the expanded code you supplied into the CODE tab of the widget on the home page, the resulting calendar is the same. In other words, all that appears is the calendar for the current month. There is no title showing what month it is, and there are no icons that allow the user to move between months.

Are you advising the code you supplied should be put somewhere other than the CODE tab of the widget?
03/24/15 01:31:04AM
41 posts

How to Create a Calendar on the Main Page that Shows All Events

Ning To Jamroom

On profile pages, there is a lovely Calendar which shows all the events that profile has created, attended or plans to attend.

I would like to have a calendar on the main page that shows all events for all users. [In NING, there was a similar function and our users really like it. It makes it easy for them to find events and sign up for them.]

Is there a way to do this? I'm using site builder and there doesn't appear to be a calendar function there.

I found a closed thread [] which appears to indicate it can be done with code, but I'm not able to make the code in that thread work.

Here's the code:

{jrEvent_calendar month=$month year=$year template="small_calendar.tpl" tpl_dir="jrEvent"}

That gets the calendar to show up, but only for the current month. I'd like to add buttons that would let the user move backward and forward by month.

updated by @asil: 05/06/15 09:18:53PM
03/24/15 01:17:41AM
41 posts

Discussions I Follow


Is there any way to see a list of all the discussions that I'm following on this forum?

On the TOP NAV, in the drop-down, there are options to show the "Items I like" and the "Profiles I Follow", but nothing about the discussions.

As a workaround, I've taken to making bookmarks in my browser, but it would be nice if the site itself could present the data somehow.

updated by @asil: 04/23/15 10:59:14AM
03/24/15 12:56:14AM
41 posts

No ability to just delete a discussion in a Forum ?

Using Jamroom

When I'm logged in on the admin account and visit a forum discussion, in the upper-right corner of that discussion I see a gear icon (update) and a trash-can icon (delete). However, in order for those to appear, I have to hover the mouse in the discussion area itself.

When I'm a group forum discussion, I see four icons: RSS, Update, Delete and Configure. However, in the group forum discussion, they are present without my having to hover, and appear on the title-line above the main body of the discussion.
updated by @asil: 03/24/15 01:00:39AM
03/24/15 12:50:57AM
41 posts

Events Listing the wrong way round again in Ningja

Using Jamroom

This effect has been reported before, see: ...the thread was marked "solved" in January.