Forum Activity for @researchcooperative

02/02/22 03:55:15AM
694 posts

Getting the best out of OneAll (social signin) - how?

Installation and Configuration


It seems Oneall can extract (public?) profile data from the home accounts of Oneall users, and show this to site owners (who pay for it), but passing the information directly to another site for public view may be legally difficult....or not?

So long as users can see what is happening it should be OK, unless other networks claim profile data as property!
02/02/22 12:27:46AM
694 posts



Where do you recommend displaying skype buttons?

Can you show example screenshots of how we can expect them to look on a profile page?

It is hard to visualise how this is intended to work for all parties in a network (Admin and other).

Is it possible for the module to have a default display position on all profiles that correspond to each skype ID that is entered?
updated by @researchcooperative: 02/02/22 12:29:56AM
02/01/22 06:26:33PM
694 posts

Skype plugin module


If installed the Skype plugin module on my site, and approved for two quotas (admin and member), and identified a contact. But nothing shows on the site yet, though I have reset caches.

Am I missing a step or three?
02/01/22 04:23:56PM
694 posts

Getting the best out of OneAll (social signin) - how?

Installation and Configuration

I have been using the OneAll plugin and a free OneAll account for a few years now, with minimally useful results because people join my network anonymously and remain anonymous, defeating the purpose of social interaction.

OneAll has a wide range of paid account plans, which seem to offer the possibility of pulling in profile information from users that join with OneAll.

My question is, do the functions of paid OneAll accounts transfer to a Jamroom network that uses the OneAll plugin? If so, which functions?

updated by @researchcooperative: 05/06/22 12:43:00PM
02/01/22 04:17:45PM
694 posts

Start a new forum thread or category for using 3rd party plugins on JR?


Thanks for all that.

Am now interested in the uj Skype buttons...

I will post separately a question about OneAll
01/31/22 07:08:52PM
694 posts

Start a new forum thread or category for using 3rd party plugins on JR?


I wonder if it would be useful to pull discussion of 3rd party plugins (e.g. OneAll) into one space, as there might be issues that are common to using the different plugins.

Generally, the search option works well to find discussions on a specific 3rd party plugin, but when I search of just that plugin, I will not see all the discussions around other plugins.

Just a thought...
updated by @researchcooperative: 05/03/22 06:15:54AM
12/20/21 07:05:54AM
694 posts

In the Tools for managing Groups, is there any tool for transferring a group from one quota to another?

Using Jamroom

Marketplace does not offer a "Change Owner" module, but a Change Owner tool appears in many other modules. I can't see how to choose a group and change the owner to a profile that is in another quota.

To take many inactive groups offline, I made the profile to which they belong inactive. Now I want to move one group to a new profile that is active.

This might not involve a change of quota at all, unless I put my active profile in a different quota.

Thanks. If this seems confused it is because I am confused!
12/18/21 05:34:46PM
694 posts

In the Tools for managing Groups, is there any tool for transferring a group from one quota to another?

Using Jamroom

I would like to transfer a group from a quota that has been taken offline to a quota for active groups.

I don't want to start a new group and transfer discussions and pages to it. I would like to keep the existing group intact as a whole, and transfer that. So far, all I can find are tools for the transfer of group pages and group discussions.

Does the tool I need already exist?
updated by @researchcooperative: 03/22/22 11:43:59PM
12/14/21 09:04:46PM
694 posts

Log4J vulnerability

Installation and Configuration


I am not seeing the term "Log4J", when I search the JR site, so I am hopeful that there is no problem for our JR site servers.

But that does not mean there is no problem. The "Log4J Vulnerability" is something much talked about since last week.

Just now I checked a Wordpress forum and found the following statement which I think answers my question:

"WordPress, plugins and themes are using PHP as server side language. log4j is a component for Java servlets. Its another programming language and it is not used in WordPress ecosystem (except maybe some very exotic integration plugins that work together with PHP and Java, but its very unlikely case)"

Since JR is based on PHP, I presume we have nothing to worry about here. I will mark this thread as solved.
updated by @researchcooperative: 12/14/21 09:06:10PM