I'm really excited about a new Jamroom module that has just been release - Profile Domains :
Long time Jamroom users know that this is an idea that is many years old, and was kicked around as far back as Jamroom 3. Unfortunately the architecture of Jamroom 3 and 4 didn't make it possible to support this type of feature. With Jamroom 5 we now have a single entry point for all URL routing, and with the advanced events and listeners that are built throughout the Jamroom Core, the time has come where Jamroom can now support this !
The Profile Domains module is an advanced module for Jamroom sites that want to map domain names to profiles in your Jamroom.
For example - you might have an artist that wants their own domain name, but they don't want to run their own site. Ideally they would just point their own domain name to their profile running in YOUR Jamroom. This is what the Profile Domains module brings to Jamroom.
You can host as many different mapped domains as you would like, and the module will properly remap the entire profile so the URLs are all updated with the mapped domain.
Combine this with the Profile Tweaks module and you can create an entire "site within a site" for your users. And with Jamroom's flexible Quota system this gives you a feature that can really enhance your premium subscription offerings.
Note that this module is considered an "advanced" module, since it requires you to have shell (SSH) access to your Jamroom server, or at least the ability to edit the Apache config for your domain.
If you have any questions about the Profile Domains module, make sure and join us in our Support Forum and we can happily answer any questions you might have.
Thanks for reading!
Very interesting feature. I think JR is the first script I've ever seen have this type of feature.
I agree - it's a really powerful and cool feature
This has made me change the way I need to think about profiles
I don't think the profile tweaks module (in it's current form) can make a profile into a stand-a-lone site.
I think one would have to create a custom header and footer for that. Then one could remove the network menu and change anything else that is network specific, also adding anything unique to that profile (site).
It should be possible to do, but it would be a bit more involved than a profile tweaks setting (currently).
I think one could add this code in the profile header and footer, with the customization for the stand-alone site before the else, regular profiles after the else. That might do the trick.
{if strstr($current_url, 'http://newdomain.com')} {else} {/if}
Am I making sense or missing something here?
It would be a "standalone" site based on the URL. The Profile Tweaks module allows for a custom logo, so you can do a pretty good of making it look like it's own site.
Of course if you need to look COMPLETELY different than your site's profile or skin design, then yes - you need to set the profile to use an alternate, custom skin - which is also supported in Profile Tweaks.
So there is nothing stopping you
is a profile on
The fact that my future site will allow my members to have their own url... I can not tell you what that will mean!!!!
{{{does happy dance}}
[quote Brian] Of course if you need to look COMPLETELY different than your site's profile or skin design, then yes - you need to set the profile to use an alternate, custom skin - which is also supported in Profile Tweaks. [/quote]
Hi Brian,
This is way cool but when you say it's "also supported", what exactly do you mean? I looked but I haven't noticed settings for that sort of thing in the profile tweaks module.
Let's take Paul's example:
How can one achieve such a thing without doing some sneaky custom coding tricks (that are probably beyond most of us).
I'm "not getting" how the profile tweaks module can remove the network's menu? Or force a profile to use a different custom skin?
Unless I'm missing some updates, I'm just not seeing that capacity in the module's settings. So what's the procedure to follow?
"sneaky custom coding tricks" I'm afraid
Well, hopefully not that sneaky - As with everything in Jamroom, its down to templating.
Custom templates for any profile domains are put in the /data/support/jrCustomDomain folder, so for my site above, I have a folder called /data/support/jrCustomDomain/ElvisFontenot
Into that folder I put any of the default skin templates that have been modified to achieve to custom layout needed.
So, for example, if you just wanted your custom domain to have a different header, copy the default skin header.tpl, make the changes then drop it into the appropriate /data/support/jrCustomDomain folder.
There is a reason this module has been tagged with the Advanced monarch Indiegospel, this sort of level of control takes a bit more knowledge than normally to achieve a good result with.
I am torn on weather to completely do away with the header as I would like to provide an easy route back to the main site for users. Having taught ICT to beginner users for so many years I know that they will sooner close the browser rather than click on back button.
So not providing a visual clue to get back to the main site could indeed be very detrimental to the user experience.
Hi Paul,
Does that folder come with the module and is it designed to work with it? What I'm wondering is what causes it to pickup the template from there, rather than the regular scenario playing out?
If by design and all we have to do is put a template, hey even I cold do that - lol.
If not by design and we have to create the folder and trick the script to going there for the desired template, what is the trick?
Ken - No this is not correct - the CustomDomain folder was only support in an old (internal) version of the module.
All you need to do is make sure the Profile Tweaks -> Quota Config -> Allowed Profile Skins have checkmarks in the additional skins you would like profiles in the quota to have access to.
Hi Gary,
Wow - I never thought of that. I think some clients will want to "white label" and have no link to the main network. So their content will take people to their "stand-a-lone" but there will be no return path.
In effect, their content on network pages will function like paid advertising for them. The network will send to them, but they will never lose visitors to the network. That's something that can become a premium service.
Some may not mind a link to the network, others will probably see it as draining away their visitors and prefer to be isolated. Interesting dilemma.
Sorry Ken - I've been misleading you. Its a long time since I set it up on my site and I'd forgot that it now worked by specifying actual skins.
Hi Brian
OK - I have version: 1.2.2 of the Profile Tweaks module (which should be the latest) and I am not seeing a section for allowed profile skins with check marks.
Maybe, that's why I am not "getting" how this works?
Yep - that makes sense
No problem Paul. BTW Brian your new picture is so much more friendly. The darkly lit back of the head pic you were using before, kind of made you into "scary dude" -
Hi , is it possible to map a subdomain to a profile?
when i create my new site on jamroom i want to use a new domain name but also have my old domain name redirect to the new site is this possible and how would i do that
or will it just make more sense to switch the domain name i am using for my ning site over to jamroom when i go live? and maybe create several similar ones later and have them all be pointed at the new site on jamroom ?