User > Profile Linking Question

9 years ago
8 posts
First let me say this system is fantastic. I looked into tons of Family tree solutions for wordpress and straight php scripts and none of them were nearly so complete or so nice.

Ok, so my issue... I have created my user account as admin. I linked it to my profile in the tree thinking that it would sortof merge the two, and I got the confirmation message that the link was successful, but I still had no parents. But, when I go to my 'profile' and add my parents thinking it would again, merge my user account with my own name in the tree, then it looks like my parents have two children.... one with my full name from the tree, and another, my username from my account. Is the purpose of linking strictly to allow people to modify their own 'profile' and if so, why have the parents etc listed on the 'user account' page if it will only duplicate into the tree and not merge? Am I doing this wrong? Am I even making sense? lol.
updated by @techiegirl: 08/07/15 05:35:38AM
