solved Admin account disappeared - Need help

4 years ago
558 posts
I can't get into my network as the main admin. The account has disappeared!?
Can you (Support) used another member's account to access my network and get to the restore function to recover the account?
If you can please let me know.
The site is

Thank you
updated by @isleander: 05/06/21 05:37:51AM
4 years ago
7,779 posts
We could if it was on our hosting, but otherwise no.

Does the "Forgot login" system not get you back in?

If it doesn't what you need to do is create a new account, then access your servers database system and get into your database, then change that new user from being a 'user' level to being a 'master' level. Probably via "PhpMyAdmin" in your servers control panel
4 years ago
558 posts
Sadly the system doesn’t recognised my email “ An account with that email address or user name was not found - please try again”.
I’ll try the work around that you suggested, if I can.
4 years ago
7,779 posts
type the user name instead.
4 years ago
7,779 posts
If that still does not work, create another user account, then send those details to support at jamroom dot net along with a link to this thread and the login information to get into your serves Control Panel (this is not jamroom, its the server control panel, possibly CPanel maybe)

* Cpanel login
* Cpanel login URL
* new user name that you created.
* link to this thread.
4 years ago
558 posts
OK you’re really helpful...
I managed to get into the server myself but haven’t got much idea from there on...
I’ll send those details first thing in the morning....
Thanks again,
4 years ago
7,779 posts
If you've managed to get into the database then its pretty easy, heres a video.
changing to master
in_use.jpg  •  1.2MB

updated by @michael: 02/01/21 09:32:50PM
4 years ago
558 posts
Yes... did it... THANK YOU.
Although the database was set up entirely different to the one in your video.
Thank you so much!
IMG_8748.jpeg  •  488KB

4 years ago
558 posts
Not related, but some groups are not showing in "Top Groups" module... How can I correct this?

Thanks again.
updated by @isleander: 02/02/21 04:47:58AM
4 years ago
4,335 posts shows all groups, not /groups so either change the Group module's URL setting from 'group' to 'groups', or edit the menu template so that it links to '/group' and not '/groups'

The 'Top Groups' panel on the index page may not be listing groups by their creation date. I think by default its by the number of comments they have. Check the template code for that section to see what the {jrCore_list...} order_by parameter is.


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
4 years ago
558 posts
paul: shows all groups, not /groups so either change the Group module's URL setting from 'group' to 'groups', or edit the menu template so that it links to '/group' and not '/groups'

The 'Top Groups' panel on the index page may not be listing groups by their creation date. I think by default its by the number of comments they have. Check the template code for that section to see what the {jrCore_list...} order_by parameter is.


Thank you Paul, I'll investigate this...
4 years ago
558 posts
You can mark this as “solved” now... thanks again!
4 years ago
558 posts
I'm reopening this post if I can, as I have had another problem occurring with user profiles.
As can be seen from the attached image, essential data from the user account "Alexander", disappeared over night.

Is it possible to transfer the data from that account to a new account?

Thank you for your help

updated by @isleander: 02/05/21 05:10:04AM