Forum Activity for @brian

06/09/24 08:00:07AM
10,145 posts


Off Topic

Hey Nate! Thanks for checking in and super glad things are going really well! Awesome that you've got a great gig now - that makes things so much easier day to day. Keep in touch and hope things continue to go well for you.
05/04/24 08:27:47AM
10,145 posts

Deleting unused modules and deprecated versions of modules

Installation and Configuration

Yes - you can disable any modules you don't need or are not using. The YouTube API error is because you have hit the quota for your API key.

I did follow up on your support ticket and the disk space issue is not with the JR DB - something else is writing to your disk. If I can get an SSH log in to your VM I can check it out - if you want, otherwise your hosting provider will need figure out what is writing to your disk so much.
updated by @brian: 05/04/24 08:28:05AM
05/01/24 04:27:03PM
10,145 posts

Suddenly very slow performance – SLOOOOOW database performace

Installation and Configuration

Clay Gordon:
Can I send you credentials to the support email? There is still an account for you – I need to refresh the password.

Yep -
05/01/24 04:07:28PM
10,145 posts

Suddenly very slow performance – SLOOOOOW database performace

Installation and Configuration

Those are not coming in nearly fast enough to be what is filling up your DB. Without logging in it's going to be hard to figure out what it is.
05/01/24 12:02:22PM
10,145 posts

Suddenly very slow performance – SLOOOOOW database performace

Installation and Configuration

Turn off the slow query log in Developer -> Global Config -> Database Options, although I'd be curious to see what is slow. Based on your performance test it sounds like your DB may not be configured very well (and the fact that you have ~7GB of RAM free also tells me your InnoDB settings are not likely correct for performance).

if you want to send me your admin login to I can let you know what is eating up the space.
05/01/24 11:49:00AM
10,145 posts

Suddenly very slow performance – SLOOOOOW database performace

Installation and Configuration

Yeah something has changed is getting logged in to your DB. Are you seeing a lot of logs coming in to your activity log?
04/26/24 09:51:07AM
10,145 posts

Suddenly very slow performance – SLOOOOOW database performace

Installation and Configuration

OK yeah - then I'm not sure why that would be so slow - the system load appears fine (based on your screenshot). It could just be that the HOST your VM is on has a high load due to other VM's on the same server. Did your integrity check when you did the table optimization finish successfully?
04/26/24 09:43:34AM
10,145 posts

Suddenly very slow performance – SLOOOOOW database performace

Installation and Configuration

It's hard to tell - what you want to look at is the value for "jrCore_db_host" in your data/config/config.php file.

Also - I would _highly_ recommend you get APCu installed on your server - it's almost a requirement in Jamroom 7 and will make your site faster.

I know I probably already asked you this but have you thought about coming back to JR hosting? :). We moved to new servers that are really, really fast.
updated by @brian: 04/26/24 09:43:51AM
04/26/24 09:34:23AM
10,145 posts

Suddenly very slow performance – SLOOOOOW database performace

Installation and Configuration

No - repair tables or optimize tables are not going to help. You really don't ever need to run optimize/repair, since that mainly affects MyISAM tables, which JR has not use in a long time (some really old installs may still be using them however). My guess is that your MySQL server is not actually ON your server - since you're only using ~1G RAM, that would mean your InnoDB settings would be set for a very, very small server - I have a feeling your database server is not on the same physical server as your webhosting, and that the DB server is over loaded. Maybe give it some time and see if it improves?
01/30/24 04:21:35PM
10,145 posts

Mailgun Now Bouncing

Using Jamroom

Hi Ken - there's nothing we've changed that would affect delivery - you'll want to work with Mailgun to figure out what's going on.