Re-order Item Detail Features

  • overview

    Adding modules like jrTags and jrLike to your system allows users to like and add tags to other modules like an audio file.

    If you want to re-order how those extra module stuff is ordered on the Details page, then you need "Item Detail Features" tool in the ACP.
  • screenshot of the TOOLS tab on the Core module in the ACP.
  • Click on the up arrows in the Item Details Feature's ORDER column to adjust the placement of the features.
  • screenshot highlighting the order column of the Item Details Features.
  • Whatever order you set in the admin control panel will be the order the items are shown in on the profiles.

    This screenshot shows the comments, like and tags order on an audio file item detail page.
  • screenshot of the item detail page of an audio file on the profile with item detail features highlighted
