Email Core

  • overview

    The Email Core module is a core module that comes initially installed when you install Jamroom.

    It allows you to choose which email system will be used.
  • screenshot of the initial screen of email core module
  • Global Config

    The options available in the global config screen for the email support module allow you to choose which system to use as the primary emailing method.

    By default the Active Email System will be set to use the "Local Server STMP".

    This means that the server that Jamroom is installed on will do the email sending for the system.

    There are other options too depending on which modules you have installed.

    If you have the MailGun STMP module installed then you can select to use that as the primary mailing system instead.
  • From Email Address

    When the system sends an automated email or system message, the address input here is what the user will see as the sending address.

    This should be a real email address that will be checked with an email client.

    It should be an address that represents your site.

    You can use the Test Email tab to get a sample email sent to an email address of your choosing to see how it comes out.
    For example:
  • Log Sent Email to debug log

    There is an option in the Active Email System that is titled "Log Sent Email to debug log".

    Selecting this option as the Active Email System means that instead of sending the actual email, that any email that tries to be sent will instead appear in the Debug Log found at:

  • screenshot of the debug log with an email logged to it
  • Logging to the debug log can be useful if your server is unable to send out emails as is quite normal in the case of development servers.
  • Alternative SMTP server

    Under the DELIVERY SETTINGS section of the Email Support module you can define a different email server if you prefer to use that.
  • screenshot of the SMTP options for configuration
