Landing Pages

  • Overview

    Create unique landing pages based on keyword sections.

    This module is designed to be used in conjunction with advertising systems that allow for split testing.

    Split testing is another name for "A/B Testing", where 2 versions of a page compete against each other to try to figure out which is better.

    The Landing Page module allows you to quickly generate new versions of a page in order to compete against the previous winner.

    Wikipedia: "A/B Testing"
  • Testing experiments

    Here are some examples of A/B tests has run to try to locate target keywords via the Google Adwords system.

    We setup a landing page for any keywords we thought may be on target for what our site offers.
  • screenshot of the landing pages created on the jamroom network profile
  • The Landing Page module allowed us to easily change small details about the page without having to have a separate template file for each.

    We can use the same .tpl file which is uploaded to the skin folder
    /skins/( CURRENT ACTIVE SKIN )/filename.tpl

    Then in the interface create different similar copies of the page on different URLs.
  • One version of the landing page
  • another version of the landing page
  • Modify the content from your profile

    You will find the interface to create landing pages in your profile on your site when the module is enabled for that quota.
  • Interface for creating and updating a landing page
