solved RE: New Payments/Products etc Modules

7 years ago
370 posts
Hi all

Great to see that these new modules are out of beta. :) I seem to remember there was a guide on how to install them. They need to be installed in a certain order? Can you run that by me again or provide a link.

Many thanks

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 07/21/18 12:45:11PM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Thay can be installed all at once but enabling them should be done in order because of their dependencies. The Payment first, then Subscription and Store.
You shouldn't be able to go wrong though as Subscription and Store will not enable if there is not an enabled Payment module.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
370 posts
And....please correct me if I'm wrong...if I elect to use PayPal as my payment gateway I can cancel my service with Foxycart?

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
7 years ago
10,149 posts
And....please correct me if I'm wrong...if I elect to use PayPal as my payment gateway I can cancel my service with Foxycart?

Yes you can - as long as you have no subscribers using FoxyCart.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
18 posts
The payments module looks terrific, but how do you collect? Normally payment is due after services are fully rendered. I have a few service ideas for which no one will pay up front. How do you circumvent the payment processors in this case? Thanks!
7 years ago
7,782 posts
Payment is made before work starts when the order is placed. Suggest not doing the work then hoping for payment.
7 years ago
18 posts
Can you walk me through an example? In a simple case lets say a band is offering to play at events. (For example at USC you can contact the university's music department and hire a musician - alumini or current student). If I list that service on my site the presumption is that there is no conversation or negotiation to arrive at a mutually agreed upon cost , time and terms. Very few service transactions are paid up front. Especially if the business is just starting out and has little in the way of reputation in the market. Few people get paid in advance when they go to work. We get paid after we show up and do the work.

Is there a way to list the service without requiring payment up front so buyer and seller can introduce themselves and start negotiating aterwhich you can get paid in full or partially until the work is completed? Something aligned more around the sales process of pitch, negotiation and close.
The service shop is a great idea but not every transaction will result in a closed deal. Personally, I like to shop and meet the service providers until I'm comfortable with their abilities. And as a service provider I would expect to have to sell my services.

I love this idea. It has great potential value. But in my very humble opinion ( I'm a newbie trying to learn quickly) it has greater value if the service listing and offer are uncoupled until a deal is made. Maybe thats already built in and I'm missing it.

7 years ago
10,149 posts
Is there a way to list the service without requiring payment up front so buyer and seller can introduce themselves and start negotiating aterwhich you can get paid in full or partially until the work is completed? Something aligned more around the sales process of pitch, negotiation and close.

No - the payments module is designed for selling things - i.e. eCommerce, not as a general business sales funnel module.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
18 posts
Got it
7 years ago
18 posts
Actually its all good. I took a closer look. Dont charge for the service initially or specify a deposit and you can use it as I described.
Well done!
7 years ago
18 posts
Paypal or Stripe? I'm told that Paypal has greater brand recognition and customer confidence so the conversion rates are higher. Anyone have experience or advice I can follow?

7 years ago
7,782 posts
stripe is what we use here on