Event Calendar

  • Overview

    The Event Calendar module allows profiles to record their upcoming events to their profile.

    Useful for band profiles to record their upcoming live events and where they are at.

    Useful for public speakers to show to the public their next speaking engagement.
  • youtube
    video overview of what the jrEvents module does.
  • Description

    A general purpose module.

    Create, update and delete events.

    Supports recurring events upon a single event creation. Set the 'recurring rule' and the end date, and the appropriate number of dated events will be created (see below).

    Supports one image per event.
  • Installation

    Copy the module folder to your /modules folder.

    Login as admin and this module should show under the modules Content category.

    It shouldn't be necessary to run the Integrity Check, but if there are any issues, do it anyway.
  • Module Configuration

    Click on the module's 'Quota' tab to set its availability to various quotas and users.
  • Recurring Events

    The module's recurring event fields are disabled by default.

    To enable, when logged in as Admin, open the jrEvent create form and click on the Form Designer button.

    Click to modify the 'recurring event' field and set it to 'active'.

    Do the same for the 'recurring end date' field.

    Return to the create form and you will now see these two fields that allow you to create recurring events.
  • screenshot of the Create Event form
  • screenshot of the Form Designer for the Create Event form with the Recurring Event field currently not active
  • screenshot of the Recurring End Date also needing activating
  • Help

    Post any queries, comments or suggestions on the Jamroom forum or contact Jamroom Support.
  • Screenshots

    screenshot of the full page display of an event on a profile
  • screenshot of a list of all the events created by a profile
  • screenshot of the form to add an event
  • For Developers

    If you want to embed a calendar in a page, use this code in a template:
    {jrEvent_calendar month="3" year="2016"}
  • For a small calendar there is a template included with the calendar module
    {jrEvent_calendar month="3" year="2016" template="small_calendar.tpl" tpl_dir="jrEvent"}
  • For a calendar of a specific profile, add in their profile id.

    eg: for profile_id 3 use
    {jrEvent_calendar profile_id="3" month="3" year="2016"}
  • jrEvent_calendar

    a number representing the the month of the year from 1 to 12
    a year in the western calendar. Currently 2016
    a numeric profile id that corresponds to a profile who is able to add events via the event module
    {jrEvent_calendar profile_id=$_profile_id month=$_post.month year=$_post.year}
  • To take a dynamic year and month from the URL, you can use the $_post variable along with a url like this:
    http://site.com/(THE PAGE URL)/month=2/year=2016

    and $_post.month and $_post.year will be available in your templates for that page.
    {jrEvent_calendar month=$_post.month year=$_post.year}
