System Core

  • Overview

    The System Core module is the very centre of Jamroom code. It is the base around which all other modules are added.

    The System Core module is where you setup the structure of the system.
  • Global Config

    The Global Config tab on the System Core module is where you set all of the basic settings you want for the system.

    Here you set the system name, that gets used in various locations including emails to identify the website. It could be the domain name or the name you call the site.

    Set the Cache seconds. Jamroom has a Caching system that allows it to more quickly deliver the content the visitor is looking for. Instead of searching the database for the required information every time a visitor visits the page, it stores that information for a certain amount of time in the cache.

    The 'Default Cache Seconds' sets that period of how long to store the information for before checking with the database again.

    The 'allowed domains' setting allows you to determine if sites other than your own are allowed to use your server to stream media.

    All streams and downloads via media players are restricted to the local domain by default - you can enter additional domains (one per line) that you would like to allow access.
  • screenshot of the General section of the Global Config tab
  • The 'Log 404 Not Found' option will record the location users visit if they visit a page that is not found.

    If you have just migrated to Jamroom and want to know if there are any URL's that visitors are landing on but not finding any content, check this box and those URL's will be logged in the 'Activity Log' (found under TOOLS also in the System Core)

    If you do locate some URL's that users are landing on and want to redirect them to the correct location you can use the URL Mapper module to send them to the correct location.
  • Global Config: Date and Time

    The Date And Time section of the Global Config is where you come to set your system's timezone and date format.
  • screenshot of the date and time settings section of the system core module
  • Global Config: Maintenance

    The Maintenance is where you turn maintenance mode on or off and set the system message that is displayed to the logged out users when the site is in maintenance mode.

    For more on Maintenance Mode, see the docs here: Using Jamroom -> Maintenance Mode
  • screenshot of the location to set maintenance mode to on
  • Global Config: DataStore

    A datastore is a type of database. Jamroom uses it to allow modules to easily communicate with each other and to add additional information. This section of the Core Module has some settings that effect how the datastore operations work.

    Probably does not need adjustment until your site becomes extremely large and starts to slow down.
  • screenshot of the options available in the core modules datastore global config tab
  • Global Config: Media System

    Jamroom allows for modules to offer alternative ways to deliver content. By default the Media System in use will be the local file system of the server where Jamroom is installed on.

    However if you add additional modules like the Cloud modules or the Amazon S3 module the media stored on your Jamroom system can be allocated to a different location. In the case of the Amazon S3 module the video, audio, images are not stored on the local file system but rather stored in amazon's servers.

    See here for more details:

    Docs: "HowTo use amazon S3 storage to lower hosting costs"
  • screenshot of the Media System Global Config tab on the System Core module.
  • Global Config: Recycle Bin

    The Recycle Bin is a feature of Jamroom that allows deleted items to be retrieved.

    If the Recycle Bin has not been disabled, any items that are deleted from profiles will be moved here for a defined period of time before being deleted from the system.

    Items that are moved to the recycle bin still exist on the server, so still take up space on the server. If the items are being deleted to save space, the bin must be emptied to free up the space.

    When the recycle bin is active, any deleted items will appear to admin and profile admin users in the Dashboard.

  • Screenshot of the recycle bin config options in the jamroom core.
  • screenshot of the dashboard recycle bin. Currently empty.
  • Quota Config

    The Quota Config tab on the System Core module allows Quota configuration for core attributes.

    Select the quota you're interested in from the drop down box at the top of the form, then set all the values for that quota before saving.

    Profiles in that quota will be limited to the settings they are given.
  • screenshot of the Quota Config tab on the System Core module in the ACP
  • Click on the ? to the right of each option for details about what each of the settings are for.

    The screenshot below shows the help text for the 'Active Text Formatters' setting opened.
  • screenshot with the help text displayed for one of the form setting options.
  • Tools

    The Tools tab shows the tool options provided by this module for the admin user to use.
  • Tools: Reset Caches

    The Reset Caches tool does what you might expect, it clears out the caching system so the templates are re-read and re-produced.

    The way Jamroom works is the skins use template files to construct the page from data stored in the database. That information is then stored in a cache so that the database info doesn't have to be read each time a visitor visits your page.

    How long the cache stores that info for depends on the setting you have set in the Global Config tab. Default is 300 seconds.

    This has the advantage of speeding up your sites delivery to they visitor by a lot.

    However when you make changes to a template those changes may not be visible. If they are not visible, use this Reset Cache tool to avoid having to wait for the cache timer to time out.
  • screenshot of the default options for the Reset Cache tool
  • Tools: Integrity Check

    The Integrity Check tool is useful if anything appears to not work correctly on your site.

    What it does is it consults all the modules in the system and asks them to verify that they are in the state that they need to be.

    If you uploaded a module to your server and that module was not appearing in the ACP then run the Integrity Check tool and the missing module should appear.

    There is no harm in running the integrity check as often as you need to. It is one of the steps suggested in the doc

    Docs: "Something's wrong what do I do?"
  • screenshot of the Integrity Check tool
  • Tools: System Check

    The System Check tool is used to locate any issues with the server that Jamroom is running upon. It will show green lights for all things that are working correctly and orange lights for any things that need to be adjusted in order to work properly.
  • screenshot of the System Check tool with mostly green lights showing.
  • Tools: Performance Check

    The Performance Check tool is used to see how fast your server is.

    The Performance Check will run a series of performance tests to assess how well Jamroom is likely to
    perform on your server - it is recommended to run this test at a low traffic time on your server.

    The results will be a number comparing your servers speed to the standard servers used on Jamroom Hosting to give you an idea of what to expect.
  • screenshot of the results of a performance check.
  • Tools: User Menu Entries

    The User Menu Entries tool allows you to modify the order and visibility of entries in the 'User Menu'.

    The 'User Menu' is the menu that appears when a logged in user clicks on their own user name. The User Menu shows info for the user looking at the screen.
  • screenshot of the User Menu
  • screenshot of the User Menu Entries tool in the ACP
  • Tools: Item Detail features

    The Item Detail features tool allows you to adjust the order of the features that are provided by modules to an item details page.

    An Item Detail page is the location on a profile which is where the full display of an item is shown. For example, the Item Detail page for an audio file would show the player, the comments, allow the audio file to be tagged and liked depending on what modules were installed.

  • screenshot of an audio files Item Detail page with the comments, and tags and like it modules featured.
  • In the screenshot above of the audio files item detail page the order of the features is:
    * comments
    * like it
    * item tags

    You can use the Item Detail Features tool to adjust that order if you wanted them in a different order.

    To remove an item feature, go to that module and deactivate it for the quota that the specific profile is in.
