System Tips

Table of Contents:

For Developers
  • Overview

    The System Tips module is part of the Jamroom Core and so is present when Jamroom is installed.

    The System Tips module adds pop-up balloons to the web browser with information intended to get the new user started in understanding the important locations about the newly installed system or module.
  • screenshot of a System Tip displayed on the screen
  • screenshot of a System Tip displayed on the screen
  • screenshot of a System Tip displayed on the screen
  • The tips are provided by the module location that you are viewing them from, so when you are viewing the System Core, all tips in that section are provided by the core module.

    Any module can provide system tips although it is an optional integration so tips will only exist for modules that choose to create tips for their users.
  • For Developers

    To write tips for your module, add a tips.php file to your module with a function that is (your module name)_tips()

    Below is a screenshot of the tips.php file for the jrCore module
  • screenshot of the location to put the tips.php file in relation to the module structure
  • A copy of the contents of the tips.php file from jrCore module for reference.

    The 'selector' is a CSS selector structure to indicate where on the page to show the tip
     * @copyright 2014 Talldude Networks, LLC.
     * @author Brian Johnson <brian [at] jamroom [dot] net>
    // make sure we are not being called directly
    defined('APP_DIR') or exit();
     * help tips
    function jrCore_tips($_post, $_user, $_conf)
        $murl = jrCore_get_module_url('jrCore');
        $_out = array(
                'view'     => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector' => '#content > table',
                'title'    => 'Welcome to the ACP!',
                'text'     => 'Please take a few moments to follow this small introduction tour and get to know how the Admin Control Panel (ACP) works.<br><br>Click on the &quot;Start&quot; button to get started.<br><br>You can restart this tour by clicking on the <b>Tour</b> tab.',
                'position' => 'top center',
                'button'   => 'Start',
                'pointer'  => false
                'view'     => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector' => '#dtab',
                'title'    => 'Dashboard',
                'text'     => 'The Jamroom Dashboard makes it easy to keep an eye on your system. You will find easy access to System Logs, Who\'s Online, Pending Items and more.<br><br><b>Tip:</b> Master and Profile admins have access to the Dashboard.',
                'position' => 'bottom center'
                'view'        => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector'    => '#mtab',
                'title'       => 'Modules',
                'text'        => "You can view installed modules in the modules tab.<br><br>Modules provide <strong>specific functionality</strong> for your site.<br><br>New modules can be installed using the <a href=\"{$_conf['jrCore_base_url']}/market/browse\"><strong>Marketplace</strong></a>.",
                'position'    => 'bottom center',
                'video_url'   => '',
                'video_title' => 'Installing modules using the Marketplace',
                'doc_url'     => '',
                'doc_title'   => 'Keeping Jamroom Up-To-Date'
                'view'     => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector' => 'dl a:first',
                'title'    => 'Module Categories',
                'text'     => 'Modules are divided into categories to help keep things organized.<br><br>Click on a category header to expand the category and view the modules within.',
                'position' => 'bottom center'
                'view'      => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector'  => '#stab',
                'title'     => 'Skins',
                'text'      => 'You can view installed Skins by clicking on the &quot;Skins&quot; tab.<br><br>Skins define the <strong>look and feel</strong> of your site, and can be customized to suit your needs.',
                'position'  => 'bottom center',
                'doc_url'   => '',
                'doc_title' => 'Changing your Jamroom Skin'
                'view'     => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector' => '#tglobal',
                'title'    => 'Module Tabs',
                'text'     => 'After you have selected a module, the <strong>options</strong> provided by the module can be accessed by clicking on the desired tab.<br><br>Different modules provide different features, and not all tabs will be available for all modules.<br><br><strong>Global Config</strong> contains module settings that affect the module behavior system wide.',
                'position' => 'bottom center'
                'view'     => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector' => '#tquota',
                'title'    => 'Profile Quotas',
                'text'     => 'All User Profiles belong to a <strong>Profile Quota</strong>.  Profile quotas define the features and options that are available to your users.<br><br>The <strong>Quota Config</strong> section allows you to change quota settings for the selected module.',
                'position' => 'bottom center'
                'view'     => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector' => '#ttools',
                'title'    => 'Module Tools',
                'text'     => 'Some modules provide <strong>Tools</strong> that help you administer your system - module tools can always be found in the &quot;Tools&quot; tab.',
                'position' => 'bottom center'
                'view'     => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector' => '#tlanguage',
                'title'    => 'Language Strings',
                'text'     => 'User-facing language strings can be customized in the &quot;Language&quot; tab.<br><br><strong>Note:</strong> some modules may not provide user-facing functionality - those modules will not have language strings that can be customized.',
                'position' => 'bottom center'
                'view'     => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector' => '#timages',
                'title'    => 'Module Images',
                'text'     => 'If a module provides images, you can override the default images by uploading images of your own in the &quot;Images&quot; tab.',
                'position' => 'bottom center'
                'view'        => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector'    => '#ttemplates',
                'title'       => 'Module Templates',
                'text'        => 'Many modules provide templates that allow you to customize how the module output will appear.  In the &quot;Templates&quot; tab you can customize the module templates to suit your needs.<br><br><strong>Note:</strong> all template modifications are stored in the database and are not overwritten when you upgrade a module.',
                'position'    => 'bottom center',
                'my_position' => 'top right'
                'view'        => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector'    => '#tinfo',
                'title'       => 'Module Info',
                'text'        => 'Every module has an Info tab - inside you can view information about the module, any requirements the module needs, view module notes, as well as disable and enable the module.',
                'position'    => 'bottom center',
                'my_position' => 'top right'
                'view'        => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector'    => '.form_select_item_jumper',
                'title'       => 'Jump between Modules',
                'text'        => 'You can quickly switch to any other module using the <strong>module jumper</strong>.',
                'position'    => 'bottom center',
                'my_position' => 'top right'
                'view'        => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector'    => '.form_admin_search',
                'title'       => 'Find what you\'re looking for',
                'text'        => 'Quickly find any Global Setting, Quota Config or Tool by using the <strong>admin quick search</strong> field.',
                'position'    => 'bottom center',
                'my_position' => 'top left'
                'view'        => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector'    => '.system_name_element_right > .form_help_button',
                'title'       => 'Get Help for Form Fields',
                'text'        => 'Most form fields have a &quot;help&quot; button to the right of the form field - click on it to get detailed help for the field including valid options, last updated by and reset options.',
                'position'    => 'bottom center',
                'my_position' => 'top right'
                'view'     => "{$murl}/admin/global",
                'selector' => '#admin_container',
                'title'    => 'Thank you for using Jamroom',
                'text'     => 'Once you\'ve spent a few minutes in the ACP you\'ll find moving around is quick and easy - hopefully this small introduction helps you to understand how things are organized.<br><br><strong>Tip:</strong> You can restart this tour at any time by clicking on the &quot;Tour&quot; tab in the module.',
                'position' => 'top center',
                'button'   => 'Close',
                'pointer'  => false
                'view'     => "{$murl}/system_check",
                'selector' => '#admin_container',
                'title'    => 'System Check',
                'text'     => 'The System Check tool validates your server to ensure it is setup properly to run Jamroom.<br><br>Entries marked with a <strong>red</strong> result indicate a possible problem with that entry - check out the <strong>Note</strong> section to find help that addresses the issue.',
                'position' => 'top center',
                'button'   => 'Close',
                'cookie'   => false,
                'pointer'  => false
                'view'     => "{$murl}/dashboard",
                'selector' => '#dashboard_container',
                'title'    => 'Welcome to the Dashboard',
                'text'     => 'Please take a few moments to follow this small introduction tour about the Jamroom Dashbaord.<br><br>Click on the &quot;Start&quot; button to get started.<br><br>You can restart this tour by clicking on the <b>Tour</b> tab.',
                'position' => 'top center',
                'button'   => 'Start',
                'pointer'  => false
        // If we have a new install, let's show a small tip to create account on the front page
        if (!jrUser_is_logged_in() && jrCore_db_get_datastore_item_count('jrUser') === 0) {
            $_out[] = array(
                'view'        => $_conf['jrCore_base_url'] . '$',
                'selector'    => '#user-create-account',
                'title'       => 'Create your User Account',
                'text'        => 'Click on the <strong>Create Account</strong> to create your User Account.<br><br>The first User Account created is created as a <strong>Master Admin</strong>.',
                'position'    => 'bottom center',
                'my_position' => 'top right',
                'group'       => 'visitor',
                'cookie'      => false,
        return $_out;
