Premium Hosting

3 months ago
81 posts
Hey, I decided to do the smart thing and move my JR hosting over here, but I'm getting this error:

Unable to process your request
The system has encountered an unrecoverable error - please try again shortly
ID: 9ba65173abf5ce8a95515ac57f1857c5

updated by @elric: 07/15/24 05:16:48PM
3 months ago
7,705 posts
well thats not a good start. :( where are you running into that? when you're trying to activate a server?
3 months ago
81 posts
Yeah, exactly!
3 months ago
81 posts
I can reproduce it in just 3 easy steps....(see attached). Same for any of the locations I chose.
Step1.JPG  •  123KB

Step2.JPG  •  99KB

Step3.JPG  •  41KB

3 months ago
7,705 posts
huh. not good. Sorry about that. Do you get this popup modal. (screenshot)
3 months ago
81 posts
Nope, no popup. Ublocker has been disabled, as well.
3 months ago
81 posts
I tried in incognito, as well.
3 months ago
81 posts
No love on Firefox, either.
3 months ago
7,705 posts
I'll just build it for you then we can connect up the payments system after its done. should take 15 min ish then you'll get an email saying its up.

Thanks for the screenshots, i've used that info.
3 months ago
7,705 posts
In your HOSTING tab on your profile you should now see MY SERVERS and under that the server being created.

Could you go to the next tab along PAYMENTS and in the upper right there should be button UPDATE CREDIT CARD. Hopefully clicking that brings up the details modal.
3 months ago
7,705 posts
Server should be ready now.
3 months ago
81 posts
I'm in! Thanks @michael. I appreciate you.
3 months ago
81 posts
How do I move my premium plugins from my old site over to my JR Hosted site?
3 months ago
7,705 posts
Just install them from the marketplace. All premium plugins can be installed on as many sites as you care to build on jamroom hosting.

If they're not showing up as INSTALL in ACP -> CORE -> MARKETPLACE then check your license key is matching at ACP -> CORE -> MARKETPLACE -> TOOLS -> MARKETPLACE SYSTEMS
3 months ago
81 posts
Ah, it looks like I need to take my current site down to release the licenses?
3 months ago
7,705 posts
no, you should be able to keep that just as it is. Licenses are included in the hosting. Unless its a license from someone else for a module which we didn't build and even then you should be able to install any module on 2 domains.
updated by @michael: 04/15/24 09:20:27PM
3 months ago
81 posts
Hmm. When I want to install the audio module, it's an instant purchase - will I get charged?
3 months ago
7,705 posts
send an email to support at jamroom dot net with the admin login details and I'll check it out. It should just be install with no charge.
3 months ago
81 posts
sent! Thank you
3 months ago
81 posts
Hey there! I saw this Hosting Transfer module...does it do anything? :-)
3 months ago
7,705 posts
Yeah it should. Should help you move sites around. Check this out:

Docs: Hosting Transfer

From memory, you have it on your jamroom hosting site, put in a key and it sucks all the info from the old site to the new. Probably the easiest way to get your current site to jamroom hosting.

I haven't used it in a while. let us know if you get stuck.

updated by @michael: 04/16/24 02:52:21PM
3 months ago
7,705 posts
Thanks, docs have been updated. Whatever was on that page is gone.

I haven't used this module in years. if you would like me to do the transfer for you send a ticket to support with the logins for the old location and I'll do that and update the docs at the same time.
3 months ago
7,705 posts
I see.

You add that Hosting Transfer module to your current site then send the key to support at jamroom dot net.

From there I take the key and use the "Import a site" button on your server tools to pull the info to your new domain.

Send it over.
3 months ago
81 posts
awesome! Thank you!
